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Less heart failure through exercise at work

Less heart failure through exercise at work

People who go to work on foot or by bicycle have a lower risk of heart failure than people who take the car. This is according to a Finnish study published in the journal of the American College of Cardiology .

The study followed 60,000 men and women between 1972 and 2002. This showed that people who exercise at least three times a week have a 47 percent less chance of heart failure † Men who exercise a lot at work – from standing and walking to heavy physical work – reduce their risk of heart failure by 25 percent, women even by 33 percent. If you also go to work by bike or on foot, the risk of heart failure is even lower.

Previous studies have shown that a lot of exercise reduces the risk of a heart attack or stroke † The effect of exercise on heart failure – when the heart cannot pump enough blood around the body – had not previously been studied. It was also not yet known which forms of movement had which effect.

Take the stairs
According to the researchers, it is therefore important not only to exercise in your free time, but also to move to and at work. This can also be done by, for example, taking the stairs instead of the elevator.