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An Effective Remedy To Lower Fever.

An Effective Remedy To Lower Fever.

Your fever won't go down?

Ah, if only there was a good old grandmother's remedy to bring her down!

But yes ! No need to rush on the Doliprane!

There is indeed an effective grandmother's remedy to cure a fever...

This is an effective recipe based on garlic and parsley.


An Effective Remedy To Lower Fever.

  • Ingredients
  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip


- 5 cloves of garlic

- 5 sprigs of parsley (preferably with the roots)

- 1 handful of coarse salt

- 1 tablespoon of soot

How to

1. Using a mortar, crush the garlic cloves.

2. Crush the parsley too.

3. Then crush the coarse salt.

4. Add the soot.

5. Mix everything to obtain a paste.

6. Apply this paste on your wrists.

7. Surround it with compress and band-aid.

8. Keep it or change it as needed for 48 hours.


There you go, you have successfully lowered your fever :-)

Bonus tip

At the same time, remember to take baths at 2° below the temperature you have. This method also lowers the fever.