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6 Healthy Uses Of Tea

Discover 6 healthy uses of tea here. Of course, we all know that tea is particularly good when you drink it, but it doesn't stop there. So read on quickly and discover 6 healthy uses of tea.

Tea is healthy

Whether it's herbal, white or green tea, science is increasingly convinced that tea is healthy for our bodies. Well-known uses include chamomile tea as a calming agent, green tea for weight loss and ginger tea as a natural antibiotic. But tea or tea bags can also be used in other ways to support your health.

6 Healthy uses of tea and tea bags

Of course you can just drink tea. That is already a very healthy application of tea. However, tea offers many more health benefits. You can use it for all kinds of complaints for which you would normally use medicines or other self-care products. And best of all, everyone has tea at home.

1. Soothe tired eyes
If you work behind a screen all day, have read a lot or are your eyes just tired, use tea. Of course you can drink a cup of tea to relax, but you can also dip one or two tea bags in warm or cold water and cover your eyes with it. Lie down somewhere comfortable and let the tea bags rest on your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

Chances are you relax so much that you fall asleep, so do you have an appointment? Don't forget to set your alarm. Preferably opt for chamomile tea, with that you also get rid of those annoying bags under your eyes and you can deal with them again for a while.

2. burned? Then use tea
Whether you burned yourself while cooking or got a sunburn, tea is your saviour. Simply take some tea bags, submerge in water (cold/lukewarm water is of course preferred in this case) and the burning pain will disappear. Keep the tea bags against it for a while or better yet, put some bandage over it so that it stays for a while.

3. Stop the bleeding in your mouth There is nothing more annoying than a bleeding mouth after a visit to the dentist. Here too, a tea bag dipped in water, placed on the sore spot, provides relief. Incidentally, this is also an effective tool for young children who change their teeth.

4. Cut while shaving? Use tea
Men who shave manually will suffer from it more often:while shaving you open your skin. Aside from being inconvenient, especially early in the morning, it can also be quite painful. A trip to the kitchen where there are tea bags offers a solution. Just wet a tea bag and hold it on the affected area. Or use an alum cube to treat the cut.

5. Eliminate bad breath with tea
A cup of fresh mint tea is the perfect remedy for bad breath. Moreover, it is a surprisingly fresh drink after a (heavy) meal. Ideal if you are not able to brush your teeth immediately or if there are no mints available.

6. Tea against nausea
Are you nauseous and have you tried anything and everything? Try it with a cup of strong peppermint tea. Is the nausea really bad? Then you can dissolve a drop of peppermint essential oil in some honey, mix well and dissolve in a glass of hot water. Believe me, this is a horse remedy that also perfectly helps against migraines, where nausea predominates. Are you pregnant and do you suffer from nausea? Then you better use these tips against nausea.

Of course many more things are possible. Tea is not only good for your own health, but also for your home, garden and kitchen. Be surprised by 7 surprising uses of tea in and around the house

Did you already know these healthy uses of tea? Or do you use tea for something else?