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Stinging Nettles:The QUICK Remedy For Itching.

Stinging Nettles:The QUICK Remedy For Itching.

Your child got stung by nettles in the garden?

Is it itchy and his skin is all blistered?

Hurry, a quick and easy grandmother's remedy!

Fortunately, there is a grandmother's trick to soothe a nettle sting quickly.

The remedy is to rub the bitten area with white vinegar . Watch:

Stinging Nettles:The QUICK Remedy For Itching.

How to

1. Take a cotton ball.

2. Soak it in white vinegar.

3. Pass the soaked cotton over the entire area.

4. Start again as soon as the pain returns.


And There you go ! Thanks to this home remedy, the itching disappeared in just 2-3 min :-)

Now you know what to do against nettle stings and what to put on to calm nettle stings.

The nettle sting is asleep and no longer itches. This natural recipe is super effective and fast.

Plus, it's almost free.

Your child will be happy! Of course, it also works for adults.

Tip to avoid getting bitten

Did you know that by taking nettle leaves from below, you will not be stung?

Yes, this little plant should not be taken the wrong way;-)

Your turn..

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy for nettle stings? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!