A walk in the countryside and you have every chance of getting bitten by nettles.
If this has ever happened to you, you know it's particularly unpleasant!
Fortunately, my grandmother entrusted me with a remedy to relieve nettle stings.
As with the bites of the cruel mosquitoes, the remedy for nettle bites is not found in the pharmacy but in nature.
Its solution is called Plantago major and it is enough to rub the nettle sting with this plant to relieve it.
1. Pick 1 or 2 leaves of Plantago major.
2. Crush them.
3. Rub them on your bite for 1 min.
There you go, your nettle sting no longer itch :-)
This plant which has anti-inflammatory properties will relieve the burning sensation caused by nettle in a few minutes.
They are everywhere around you!
Plantago major, also called great plantain, is a weed, so you can find it everywhere in nature, along paths and in meadows. Often next to the nettles by the way... Life is good, isn't it?
The pharmacist will have no trouble finding you a soothing cream for your nettle stings. Only, you will pay the tube 6 €. In addition, there is little chance of using it to the end, before the expiry date.
To avoid waste, use this old-fashioned grandmother's remedy instead. Not only will you keep your money for something more useful, but you will also relieve your pain in the blink of an eye.