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10 Effective Plants To Help You Sleep (WITHOUT Sleeping Pills).

10 Effective Plants To Help You Sleep (WITHOUT Sleeping Pills).

Everyone has had trouble falling asleep.

But instead of looking for sleeping pills, why not try natural remedies?

Indeed, there are many effective plants that can help you sleep.

Discover the 10 best plants to help you sleep without using sleeping pills . Watch:

10 Effective Plants To Help You Sleep (WITHOUT Sleeping Pills).

1. Sage

A headache or muscle tension preventing you from sleeping? The scent of sage is your ally! And in herbal tea, sage can have antiseptic properties.

We recommend this organic sage herbal tea.

2. The gardenia

A German study showed that the scent of gardenia had the same effects as valium. It sends the signal for deep sleep to our neurotransmitters.

You can put gardenia petals in a potpourri in your bedroom. Unless you prefer to put 3 drops of gardenia essential oil in a fragrance diffuser.

3. Lavender

Sniffing the scent of lavender before going to bed promotes a peaceful sleep. Put dried flowers in your room. A study has shown that this scent calms the heartbeat and relaxes the muscles.

You can also drink lavender tea before going to sleep.

To discover: The Health Benefits of Lavender in 6 Essential Recipes!

4. Hops

Hops are traditionally used in the production of beer in breweries. But, its powerful aroma helps reduce anxiety to promote sleep.

Consume it as an herbal tea before going to bed.

5. Chamomile

The effectiveness of chamomile to help fall asleep is no longer to be proven. It has been used since Antiquity to fight against insomnia, especially in herbal tea.

6. Elecampane

This yellow flowering herb has long been used to treat ulcers and chronic bronchitis. But its fragrance has a calming effect that helps to reduce stress and therefore to fall asleep easily.

Put some elecampane oil in your room.

7. Rosehip

Studies have shown that drinking rosehip tea helps you sleep much better at night. It also prevents morning joint stiffness. Its fragrance promotes relaxation and the desire to sleep.

8. Valerian

This plant is often used in dietetics. It also has the virtue of calming the nerves and treating insomnia. The roots and stems of valerian are known to have a smell that makes you feel serene before sleeping.

Put valerian essential oil in a diffuser if you don't have one in your garden.

9. Passionflower

This plant is used for sleep problems, gastrointestinal problems related to nervousness and more generally against anxiety. The fragrance of passionflower and its components are known to stimulate areas of the brain related to sleep.

Diffuse it by putting 3 drops of essential oil in a diffuser.

10. The reed

This plant has a bitter taste but a very pleasant smell that gives a feeling of tranquility. It helps the body and mind to sink into a deep sleep.

Make a decoction of reed flowers which you can let the scent spread. You can also drink it as an herbal tea.

If you don't have an essential oil diffuser at home, we recommend this one, which is affordable and works very well. Click on the image below to view the product:

10 Effective Plants To Help You Sleep (WITHOUT Sleeping Pills).