Need to stay focused to revise your lessons?
Or to finish an urgent presentation for your boss?
No need to drink 2 liters of coffee or Red Bull!
Why ? Because these 2 solutions have a big drawback:they excite and make you nervous.
The trick to boosting your concentration while staying calm is to take magnesium chloride:
1. Dilute a 20 g sachet of magnesium chloride in a liter of water.
2. Drink one or two glasses of this mixture every day.
3. Do this cure for 3 weeks.
There you go, you can now stay focused longer while being more efficient, less stressed and less tired :-)
Very handy if your children are having exams, isn't it?
After 3 weeks of magnesium chloride treatment, take a 10-day break and start again if necessary.
If you don't have magnesium chloride, you can find some here.