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How to Walk Longer and Without Pain while Hiking?

How to Walk Longer and Without Pain while Hiking?

When summer comes, stays away from cities are for many the opportunity to walk to discover new landscapes. Without adequate preparation, long hikes can quickly become an ordeal for the muscles, and morale collapses. Here are some tips to follow to line up the miles without losing your smile.

Eating Before, During and After Exercise

How to Walk Longer and Without Pain while Hiking?

As an endurance practice, walking is a pure aerobic activity, which means most of the energy used comes from body fat. To be consumed and used by the muscles, fats need oxygen and sugar, without which we risk the famous "stroke".

Here are 4 rules to follow to eat properly before, during and after a hike:

1. consume starches (pasta, rice, potatoes...) the day before or at least two hours before the outing;

2. during the outing, drink an orange juice cut with water every half hour to ensure a continuous supply of liquid and sugars;

3. every two hours, eat a solid food during a break (cereal bar, fruit, small dry cake...);

4. after the walk, replenish your stocks of carbohydrates and ingest a protein source (meat, fish, bran, soy...) to replenish damaged muscle fibers during the outing.

Relax your Muscles while Hiking

How to Walk Longer and Without Pain while Hiking?

Walking in rough terrain and wearing a backpack causes muscle fatigue that eventually makes walking painful. Take a break at least once every 2 hours during which you will perform some stretching exercises to release your muscle tension.

Perform each of the following postures for 2 minutes, or more if you feel the need:the fall, the fan, the prayer, the turtle.

The Bodybuilding of the Walker

How to Walk Longer and Without Pain while Hiking?

If hiking occupies a central place in your holidays, for example if you walk every day for at least an hour, do some weight training exercises so that your muscles "ensure" during moments of effort and difficult passages. In particular, it is important to have strong lower back, abs and shoulders.

This muscle routine, lasting 5 minutes, allows you to work these 3 muscle groups. Breathe 10 seconds between two sets or two exercises:

- 2 sets of 10 repetitions of good-mornings;

- 2 sets of 15 repetitions of squats;

- 2 sets of 8 repetitions of wall press;

- hold the fall stretch for 30 seconds.

By scrupulously respecting these few tips, goodbye to slack when hiking this summer, and guaranteed pleasure. You can leave a comment for more information and above all, don't forget:move smart!