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Here's how to fight anxiety and depression during confinement

France has just entered a period of confinement for a period of at least two weeks. The fact is, isolation can take a toll on our mental health. Do not panic, here are some tips to overcome this ordeal.

Isolation reaches the brain

On the evening of March 19, 2020, the latest report reported 10,995 confirmed cases for 372 deaths . In total confinement, the French are – like the Italians and the Spaniards – very limited in their movements. Everyone is effectively forced to stay at home, unless there is an important reason justified by a sworn statement. The thing is, some people have a hard time keeping their cool being enclosed between four walls. Anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms among others can unfortunately appear.

An article published by Quartz refers to a study published in 2004 by the University of Toronto (Canada). This research carried out during the SARS epidemic focused on the impact of solitary confinement. According to the results at the end of the confinement period, 31% of people had symptoms of depression and 29% of signs of post-traumatic stress.

Here s how to fight anxiety and depression during confinement

Gestures that "save"

During the next two weeks (or even more), you will therefore have to keep your cool and take your troubles patiently. Thus, several actions are to be taken for this purpose. First, it is about be well informed by following essential information, research results and of course, announcements from the authorities. However, be careful not to expose yourself to an "overdose". Obviously, an overflow of information – which is often negative – can certainly dampen morale.

Then, you have to know how to keep in touch. Indeed, physically isolating oneself does not mean cutting all ties with the outside world. In other words, beware of the risk of withdrawal! Call, skype, text and email family members, friends, etc. The goal is also to not give in to fear and regain control. Thus, it is recommended to organize your days as much as possible. Why not clean your house, exercise, do what you didn't have time to finish before (the famous "to-do list"). Come to think of it, there is always something to do. In short, you have to stay active into what feels like a new routine.

Finally, it is often necessary to remember that this situation will end at some point, a way of telling ourselves that the more time passes, the closer we are to the end of confinement.

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