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Homeopathy:Does it Work or Not? My Consumer Verdict.

Homeopathy:Does it Work or Not? My Consumer Verdict.

Homeopathy is used frequently in France. There are people 100% for, others fiercely against... Some are still more nuanced , in short... Maybe yes, maybe not? I wanted to give you my consumer verdict.

The numbers on the use of homeopathy in France justify looking into the subject. I'll give you just a few:

- 6% of French people use it regularly

- 34% have already several times treated in this way

- 35% haven't used it yet, but think to do it

- only25% exclude completely the idea of ​​using it

And, you may not have known it, but more and more veterinarians are interested in it. I read that the most receptive to homeopathy were cats and horses, followed by humans and dogs. So think about it for your four-legged friends... I know that I, personally, don't hesitate for my cat (for his abscesses, angina...)

So much for the numbers. Now, why are users turning to it? What can it actually cure? Placebo? Real medicine? Here are my thoughts, based on my knowledge , investigations , and uses personal.

Fund Treatment and Prevention

First important thing, which I have thought for a long time, and which I have noticed when asking my family, my friends:homeopathy is useful over time , does not harm your health, allows prevention on certain things and cures minor sores.

Several concrete examples:

Homeopathy helps in prevention . I remember the little prescriptions that my grandmother concocted for me when I was a child and a teenager:nothing like it for my colds repeatedly, small angina (I am a specialist) or in preparation for my exams , acting as an anti-stress and fight against fatigue. You can also treat terrible sunburn with Belladonna and have on you, against allergies, your Rhinallergy.

Nothing like this against "small sores":

Here, I am thinking above all of the children . There is a very positive aspect of homeopathy on our cuties. Take care of their little sores , soothe them (by adding a little comforting kiss), with Arnica granules or Calendula ointment , or helping them fight their little colds, is not a trivial gesture.

We can think that homeopathy only serves as a Placebo , it does not matter:it does not harm, and in any case relieves at least. Don't forget the psychological effect healing on the children:they have taken medicine, they already feel better... (I even confess to having already given just a little sugar water to my children who thought they were sick... and they felt healed ! But chuuuuuuuut!)

The Price is to be taken into consideration

Another advantage of homeopathy is, in my opinion, its price ! The granules or other ointments are really not expensive (around 2€ on average each small vial). When we see that many drugs are not reimbursed anyway , why hesitate? Homeopathy is plants, water and a little macerated alcohol, mineral and animal substances. Nothing dangerous in itself, a priori, but we ask always the opinion of the doctor who follows us and knows us !!

It should also be noted that if you take homeopathy prescription of a doctor, most remedies will be reimbursed up to 30% by Social Security . There remains of course the problem of mutual insurance, but given the prices, it will certainly not cost you more than traditional medicine.

Limits and Disadvantages of Homeopathy

As much as we have different experiences and memories of the use of homeopathy, I am still convinced of its limits and its disadvantages.


Let's be clear:we cannot treat all diseases with homeopathy! This medicine applies to functional diseases (disturbance of the functioning of an organ) and well-being in general (prevention, alternative medicine for minor illnesses). Homeopathy can do nothing against emergencies , serious illnesses or infectious .

Against the flu or bacterial angina , among other things, I don't think it's efficient enough. A friend told me that her nephew ended up in the emergency room because his mother wanted to treat his flu with homeopathy alone. I also know that against migraines or tension problems, it's the same concern. When real medical treatment is needed, such as antibiotics, we don't hesitate !

In addition, it is essential to understand that homeopathy must be used knowing the terrain well. of the patient (pay attention to people with diabetes , for example).

Disadvantages of use:

The disadvantages are diverse:we can point out that administering granules every hour is incompatible with the school rhythm , There is also the cancellation effects caused by cigarettes or mint, for example (unless you buy a compatible toothpaste:7 € 49 Amazon link)... And it is probably fair to think that it is especially effective on the long term (fund treatments).


So, your (favorite!) "health blogger" tells you this, in her soul and conscience:if you want to try homeopathy, I encourage you fully! Especially since these treatments are easy and pleasant to take, safety guaranteed , and overdose impossible .

I encourage you to do so, but, under certain conditions:

- Seek the advice of your doctor, who knows your terrain

- Use it for prevention and daily well-being against minor ailments

- Remember that it does not cure everything!

- In case of fever, rush to a doctor

- Finally, if the subject interests you, document yourself! (book 6 € 64 Amazon link)

So here is an opinion on homeopathy, which I personally continue to use regularly . It's up to you to tell me about your own experiences and opinions, if you wish, in the comments.