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Does the pill work against menopausal symptoms?

Does the pill work against menopausal symptoms?

Many women stop taking the pill after the age of thirty-five. But taking the pill after your 40s, if you're healthy, can be very helpful.

Using the pill during menopause The same hormone that causes premenstrual symptoms also causes menopausal symptoms. As a result, the pill also works for women in the menopause. American research even shows that the pill can restore the body. Researchers found that damage to your body in the early stages of menopause, such as loss of bone density, can be caused by fluctuations in estrogen levels. Taking extra hormones during that period could limit this damage.

Don't take the pill for too long
There are also women who continue to take the pill after their sterilization. If they stop after surgery, they may experience heavy periods. The pill controls these bleeding. The advice is not to continue taking the pill for too long. After all, that's not what he was made for. Only take the pill as long as there are symptoms at the beginning of the menopause, see how things are going after a year and then stop.