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Hair transplant:how does it work?

Baldness affects a large number of men, but also in some cases women, and can cause deep discomfort. Fortunately, some surgeons have embarked on hair transplantation to give people who suffer from it dense and natural hair. Perhaps you are thinking of a hair transplant to solve your baldness problem? In this case, it is useful that you know how it works.

What are the methods used for hair transplantation?

Before considering a hair transplant to regain hair worthy of the name, it is important to have knowledge of the different methods used by surgeons. We find the following processes:

  • The FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) method :this is the direct extraction of follicular units. The follicles are then removed using a small circular punch. The surgeon then makes incisions in the recipient area before placing the grafts there. . The advantage of this method is that it leaves no scars , a point on which patients are increasingly demanding. Doctor Cinik also uses the Saphir FUE method, an innovation which consists of the use of sapphire blades and which allows even more precise work on the scalp .
  • The DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) method :this is an advanced and non-invasive form of FUE. Using a special pin, the individual grafts are removed from the donor area located at the back of the head. They are then implanted in the recipient area allowing the surgeon to better control the angle, depth and direction of implantation of the hair follicles. This method also leaves no scars and offers a natural and dense result.

Know that for all people who are afraid of needles and pain, it is also possible to perform needle-free anesthesia , a method used in the context of a DHI or an advanced FUE. During the entire procedure, the patient then feels neither the discomfort nor the apprehension caused by the use of a needle.

Hair transplant:how does it work?

How is patient care going?

Once you have decided on having a hair transplant, it is important not to rush and choose the right clinic . Today, Turkey is one of the leading destinations for performing this type of intervention, with state-of-the-art clinics and recognized and satisfactory results.

To be sure to direct you to the right establishment for your hair transplant, do not hesitate to contact the medical team and send all the supports (photos… ) allowing to make an accurate diagnosis . Once the clinic has been chosen, the method detailed and the procedure scheduled, the patient is cared for as follows:

  • He performs a complete blood test on the first day to exclude the presence of any infections (HIV, hepatitis, etc.). Indeed, if the results are positive, the intervention cannot take place for obvious medical reasons. These tests aim to exclude any complications and to take no risk for the patient.
  • The following day, the hair implantation takes place and lasts between three and eight hours depending on the situation to be treated.
  • The next day, follow-up care are brought.

Of course, before leaving, you will receive recommendations on what to do in the early days, especially on the maintenance of the hair. The post-operative process is indeed very important and even essential for the success of your hair transplant.