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I Choose my Haircut according to the Shape of my Face.

I Choose my Haircut according to the Shape of my Face.

I kept the same haircut for years. I thought only this one suited me, probably.

And then I dared to change! I don't regret it at all... On the other hand, I chose my new haircut according to the shape of my face!

It must have happened to you before, ladies:the desire to completely change your mind! But it's been 20 years since you said loud and clear, "I'll never cut them, and I'll never color "! I understand your hesitation , I had the same.

And when you want to be sure not to regret, you seek the help of a specialist , but this is not necessarily within our means ...I'll tell you what I did!

What are the skills of a beautician?

A visagiste is a hairdresser who has followed specific training in his course, a kind of additional option. The purpose of this training is to learn how to advise clients on a hairstyle adapted to their face.

This profession has been in vogue and booming since the end of the 90s. Some salons highlight their visagiste employees , offer us appointments with them, and make paid this service.

Others don't. Anyway, a living room poster its prices, in the window most of the time, if not inside. This way, we can check if we are being charged for this service.

Yes, but how to do it without paying?

Some salons do not charge at all the time spent looking for a model with us. That said, it's often a disjointed conversation with the hairdresser, and a decision to make on the chair in 5 minutes, having only looked at a few models .

He may say "this would look great on you ", but, ladies, I am speaking above all to you, we are not necessarily convinced?

I found two solutions who offered themselves to me, before my famous appointment with the hairdresser, in order to preselect a few haircuts, imagine what it could look like, and ask him for his professional opinion:

There are haircut simulators, which can be downloaded from the Internet. They are generally offered by big brands hairdressers or cosmetics.

Good idea. But I did not want to download such software. So I found a second solution, in order to leave for my appointment with an idea in mind of what might suit me (and please me):I looked for what shape had my face!

I think about the shape of my face

- Do I have a square face ? (a bit like Renée Zellweger for example):I then look at cuts with straight bangs, which stop at jaw level. This softens the hard look what can a square face have.

- My pretty face is rather round ? (Lily Cole style):above all, no short cut, which would accentuate the roundness, but rather a length at the shoulders, with why not a gradient which would give a nice movement ?

- For my rather oval figure , orelongated (a la Julia Roberts), almost anything goes! The ideal is all the same at ear height, with a wick sweeping the face. Rather degraded, all around the face.

- I have a rectangular face ? (I look like Angelina Jolie?) My hair should still be there all the way around my face. The ideal being to put them rather forward, this erases the angles .

- Finally, for my triangular face (like Jennifer Aniston), I opt for high bangs, quite small, and a gradient that will give a little more thickness to my chin which is a little retreat .

Savings achieved

A professional hairdresser we will give an appointment that will cost us between 95 and €350 the session ! They are usually found in large chains of hair salons.

However, there are salons where this service will be included in the haircut. But the time spent advising us, as well as the means to do so, will not be the same and, on the invoice, they can still sometimes increase the bill a little.

Are we ready, ladies? Are we going to take the plunge, thanks to my wise advice? Direction:comments!