Looking to get rid of those ugly dark circles under your eyes?
Want a magic trick to erase them quickly?
After a too short night, we often wake up with suitcases under our eyes!
Me, it happens to me very regularly...
And concealer creams are overpriced and their effectiveness often leaves something to be desired.
Fortunately, I found a grandmother's remedy to remove my dark circles naturally.
The trick to no longer having dark circles in the morning is to use a spoon. Watch:
1. Take two teaspoons.
2. Put them in the freezer for 20 min .
3. Then place the very cold spoons on the swollen part of the eyes.
4. Press for a few seconds.
5. Repeat several times.
There you go, your dark circles are now gone quickly :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
Your gaze is rested and sparkling. No more signs of fatigue!
You'll see, it's also very pleasant.
This grandmother's recipe is easy to use in the morning.
Just put the spoons in the fridge for a few minutes.
It really is accessible to everyone.
And it's probably the concealer the most economical that exists.
You can also leave the teaspoons to coolin the fridge overnight if you don't have a freezer.
To have an even fresher complexion, you can also do an eye contour massage right after this little treatment.
You massage from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye and then tap to stimulate blood circulation.
Dark circles will thus diminish as if by magic!
As for dark circles, the cold of the spoons will decongest and refresh your eyes, in a few minutes, their puffy appearance will disappear.
And it also works for puffy eyelids !
You don't waste any more time carrying out this little manipulation than when you apply your professional treatment for tired eyes.
And it works just as well!
In addition, you save nearly 10 € on your purchases of cosmetics, since these little gestures to wake up puffy eyes are totally free.