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GMOs Are Not Harmful To Our Health Unless We Eat Them!

GMOs Are Not Harmful To Our Health Unless We Eat Them!

The New Obs' has just set foot in the dish! What am I saying, has just launched a real time bomb by unveiling the most sensitive study ever conducted on GMOs which would confirm their harmfulness to health if we eat them.

GMOs? Unbeknownst to My Willingness?!

In France, the O organisms G enetically M odified do not have free access to our plates.

Finally, when we know that GMO crops represent 114 million hectares , (9% of the world's cultivated area in 2008) we are much less surprised to learn that "GMO-free" actually tolerates a rate of 0.90%!

Hum - hum, I don't know about you, but me, it leaves me with a funny aftertaste...

So, no 100% transgenic maize on our supermarket shelves, on the other hand, it is present in livestock feed.

This same cattle that will end up as steak on our plates, will supply the milk for our cereals (with less than 0.9% GMOs!) or our boiled eggs on Sunday mornings!

When the great Distrib' Finance...

Everyone remembers the scandal of the "Mad Cow Crisis" and the health and economic consequences that followed. The heads of large retailers have certainly not forgotten Creutzfeldt-Jakob! (Scientific name of mad cow disease Editor’s note )

While the research carried out on GMOs trumpeting the absence of danger to consume them has been financed by the industrial lobby, groups, such as Auchan and Carrefour, have gotten their hands on the wallet.

More than 3.2 million euros have been released to finance the very first independent study ever conducted on GMOs and their long-term effects.

A Study Worthy of an American Thriller

It is in the greatest secrecy that the team of professor at the University of Caen in Molecular Biology Gilles-Eric Séralini has analyzed the effects of GMOs, in food, on laboratory rats.

For 2 years, in complete secrecy, hiding behind a fake study, researchers studied the effects of seeds of GMO maize NK 603 under the code name:In Vivo.

Locked communications, confidentiality clauses. From the supply of seeds to the harvest, then, to the manufacture of animal feed, everything takes place in a hermeticism worthy of a spy novel.

And the fear of reprisals is legitimate as the sums of money put in balance by this study are important.

The Results

The balance sheet is more than negative. Two years of life correspond in rats to around forty years in humans, so these results can be transposed to the scale of a lifetime of GMO consumption. You should also know that since 1980 they are present in our medicines and since 1986 in our food. 32 years...

Let's get back to our raccoons... Fed food made with GMO corn, treated with Roundup (from the infamous Monsanto) or not, or directly with transgenic corn, or simply watered with water containing a minimal dose of herbicide spread on GMO crop fields, all have developed diseases.

A cocktail of pathologies all more heavy each other

We note

• Breast tumors in females

• Failing liver and kidneys in males

The attacks are severe and above all, an essential detail, rats fed directly with GMOs declare 2 to 3 times more tumors than those fed without GMOs.

See the article in Le Nouvel Obs' on 09/20/2012

And Us, In All This?

We can hope that this study will lead to others, even more advanced. That manufacturers will find themselves constrained and forced to offer guaranteed GMO-free foods. (100%, I mean)

Maybe one day mom, I don't want to see my children fed in the canteen with GMO foods.

Well-being and health above all. Eating healthy should be a right accessible to all!

A Solution:Changing our Consumption Habits

In the meantime, it is possible to make sure to eat better, to live better and in good health. Organic is spreading and becoming more accessible.

Cultivate your vegetable garden, have your chickens... Homemade and trad are making a comeback.

Ok, when you're a city dweller like me, it's not easy to raise 3 layers on your balcony, or to grow your vegetables.

Fortunately, initiatives such as 'AMAP (The famous peasant basket) exist and allow us to have access to healthy food. Of course and above all unfortunately, we can never be sure of what lands on our plates.

Like 100% GMO-free, 100% organic doesn't really exist. But should we resign ourselves and accept the consequences of genetic manipulation by greedy sorcerer's apprentices?

Do you have any ideas for eating healthy, without GMOs and without breaking the bank? Because we know that the price is often the other side of the coin!

Come, do not hesitate to share your ideas and tips in the comments.