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How to Fix Your Broken Lipstick in Less Than 2 Minutes?

How to Fix Your Broken Lipstick in Less Than 2 Minutes?

It's always when you've found THE lipstick that corresponds to us that badaboom, it falls and breaks at the base. No need to run to buy one, a simple little DIY will make you smile again.

My red lipstick, I particularly like it. I have already broken it in the first week. Fortunately, there is a very simple solution to fix it and make me smile.

1. I take a lighter, or a matchbox, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to have a flame. Before heating the broken part, I check if the two parts are really symmetrical. If not, I sharpen them carefully.

2. So I then hold the tube and the broken part at the same time and I pass my flame over the ends until the lipstick softens. I press my two parts against each other strongly.

3. Finally, to solidify everything and obtain a permanent make-up, I place my repaired tube of lipstick in the refrigerator but uncapped. Once hardened, it's over! The next day, I can have my pretty (plumpy?) lips enhanced again.

Why buy back when you can repair so easily? And here's 10€ saved.

What is your reaction when you break your lipstick? Me it's "Grrrrrrrrr"!. Come and exclaim in the comments.