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Quitting smoking:the tip to keep it up

Quitting smoking:the tip to keep it up

Others can point out the dangers of smoking as often as possible. To keep quitting, your own motivation is the most important. Time to determine your motivation.

According to pulmonologists Wanda de Kanter and Pauline Dekker, authors of the Netherlands Stop smoking, most people do not stop for their health. For example, a motivation other than your health could be one of the following:

1. For the health of your child(ren).
2. Your child(ren) find smoking dirty.
3. You can save a lot of money.
4. A family member or acquaintance has lung cancer or has died from its effects.
5. You want to get pregnant.
6. You want to improve your fitness and energy level.

What is or was your reason for quitting smoking?

Read also
> How do I keep quitting smoking?
> Quit smoking without eating sweets
> Does an e-cigarette work if you want to quit smoking?