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Forget Nothing Anymore:The Art of Writing Lists to Save Time, Money and Certain Well-Being.

Forget Nothing Anymore:The Art of Writing Lists to Save Time, Money and Certain Well-Being.

Writing lists is an art! Why write lists? Getting organized and organizing your life is a real time, energy and money saver. It is also a whole art of living!

To Do Lists takes a bit of time, it is true. But afterwards, everything is so much easier! How many times have we rewritten the lists of things to remember before going on vacation?

We write, we activate and we throw away. Why not keep them and keep them carefully and methodically? You organize your life with a simple pencil and a piece of paper and above all you end up taking real pleasure in it. It's like poetry!

At home, it's almost sickly! I make lists for everything! I'm a fan of lists and it often makes my friends smile! Shopping lists but not only. Small panorama of some habits:

1. For the Holidays

I pull out my lists of gift ideas or gifts already given, meals already cooked, favorite foods of my guests, things not to forget to organize a wonderful Christmas, original recipes, not expensive, or winners every time.

2. For my Body and my Health

I have the list of physical exercises possible while ironing or watching TV, the list of my little skin care products, the list of the benefits of lemon, garlic or the virtues of such an essential oil or even the list of the reasons why I eat when I'm not am not hungry!

3. Practical Daily Lists

That of emergency numbers, practical information , the "How to..." lists, the lists of weekly or monthly household routines, the list of natural cleaning tips and tricks, the list of emergency reflexes to have "in case of...".

4. For Travel

The list of things not to forget, the list of the emergency pharmacy, the list of things to do before leaving or the list of addresses for postcards.

Once there, I always have fun writing a list of 'Here there is... or Here there is not'. I never forget to write the list of my best moments or the list of cool addresses to give to future friends who would go to the same place.

5. Before Bedtime

I always write down the list of important things to do the next day . I then classify them in order of priority with a small number in front. I also write my diary of small personal lists:the list of things that stress me out, the list of my favorite treats.

The list of smells that remind me of a memory, the list of my early alzheimeries, my obsessions, the useless things that take up my time, the things I will never do, my crazy dreams, etc.

One last tip before you get started: first write your list of lists to write and classify them in order of priorities, you will then see more clearly! A list of lists to simplify and organize your life effectively, you had to think about it!

It is a real personal development that offers us a better knowledge of ourselves! Dominique Loreau has dared to write a fabulous book "The Art of Lists", a real practical and spiritual guide. I highly recommend it!

Now I'd like to ask you:what's the funniest list you've ever written? If you dare, share the title of your list in the comments;)!