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5 Family and Economic Activities to Forget the Rain!

5 Family and Economic Activities to Forget the Rain!

It's been raining for weeks and the whole family is getting depressed.

But at comment-economiser, we have a few tricks up your sleeve to put some sunshine in your heart and make you smile despite the rain.

Here are 5 economical activities to do with your children to fight against the ambient greyness!

All the activities we had planned for this spring are falling...into the water! But this is not a reason to renounce all pleasures.

There are lots of things you can do as a family and who will make us smile again . And all this without TV or any other help from modern technology!

1. Cooking with Kids

I've already told you here, cooking with your children is an excellent activity to occupy them on rainy days:between the preparation, the realization of the recipe, the tasting and the storage, it can be spread over an after- full noon. And it doesn't cost much:you should have eaten anyway!

In addition, it implements very formative skills at any age, and the moment when everyone gets together to taste the pancakes, the cake or the little homemade dish is very convivial. This time, the sun is in everyone's hearts!

2. Make Board Games

In general, our kids annoy us to play with them, but few board games are likely to bring the whole family together with as much enthusiasm:1000 Terminals or Monopoly are great classics, but we quickly got the hang of them.

But have you tried the Werewolves of Thiercelieux ? I already told you about it (cost:€8.07) in a tip on Christmas gifts, but I had the opportunity to test it again since, and frankly, I think you'll love it:here you go a cheap role-playing game and within everyone's reach, perfect for livening up a rainy Sunday afternoon. I bet your kids are going to wish it rained again next weekend!

3. Hide and Seek

Another classic, but playing it around the house brings an unusual twist to this game that is usually played in the garden.Be imaginative to find unexpected hiding places...Of course it's easier if the house is big, but find your child's soul and don't forget the wardrobes, the shower, under the beds, etc... Guaranteed laughter , for a game that doesn't cost a cent.

4. Build a Cabin

All our little Robinsons dream of a cabin to be able to take refuge at the bottom of the garden :well now is the time to build it, even if we have to wait for the sun to come back to give it its final location.

If you've kept the boxes from your major household appliances, they'll come in handy. Otherwise, a drive to the nearest supermarket and you recover what you can. Loulou plays the architect, and you cut out the openings, you assemble the boxes to make one or two rooms in the cabin, you add the roof...

Loulou can now decorate her cabin by painting it or sticking it on, which will make her happy:hours of creative work in perspective, and endless smiles...without any expense .

5. A Mural

You have artistic souls in the family ? So now is the time to express it! Either you are ready to "sacrifice" a wall of your darlings' room, or you pin a large strip of white paper there, and off you go:brushes of several sizes, paints, cups, and an apron to protect yourself well . Expense:a few tubes of paint...or bottles like here at Amazon.

The best thing is to give yourself a starting theme and reserve a limited surface for each of the participants, and then everyone gives free rein to their imagination . In the end, a unique and colorful decoration, and the satisfaction of having created an original work ... Don't forget a little sun at the top right! And your signatures...

Do you have any ideas for bringing a little joy to these gray days? Thank you in advance for your sunny comments!