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A Surprising Appetite Suppressant Recommended by Nutritionists.

A Surprising Appetite Suppressant Recommended by Nutritionists.

For the little gourmands who would like to avoid overeating, I know a little simple and cheap stuff.

We all know what it is:we've finished eating, there are a few fries left in the fryer and we think it would be a shame to spoil it. Suddenly, we refill, sometimes even, we refill. And then one fine morning, looking at yourself in the mirror, you realize that you are 4 or 5 kilos overweight. Patatrac!

I know what I'm saying:when I start eating, no one stops me. As a result, I had to chain diets with a vengeance since I was 15 years old.

In short, now it's over, because I have THE solution! Yes, did you know that white vinegar was an effective appetite suppressant? One of the most effective that exists, by the way.

Oulala, I see you coming:no, I don't drink a glass of white vinegar before each meal. In fact, it's much simpler than that:the trick is to pour a tablespoon of vinegar into your main course.

In this way, the active agents in the vinegar get to work while you eat and, without even realizing it,you are not hungry until you have finished your meal . So now I don't even have dessert or cheese after the main course, and I can tell you that I have Justin Bieber's abs.

And you, what is your little secret to limit your appetite? I'm waiting for your tips in the comments.

Savings Achieved

I buy my white vinegar in supermarkets for 30 cents for a 1 liter bottle. Now that I'm used to not eating a lot, I don't even need to use this trick too often, so the vinegar lasts all year:30 cents for a year, admit that I'm not breaking the bank.

In any case, it is a much better solution than appetite suppressants in the form of capsules, which cost around 15€ for a box and can be dangerous for your health.