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Can CBD be used as an appetite suppressant?

Several brands have recently touted CBD as a potential appetite suppressant, citing the possibility of using it as a weight loss supplement. But is there any academic or scientific backing for these claims, or are they just marketing ploys used by CBD companies?

A 2016 study published in the journal Psychopharmacology reported how CBD affected the eating habits of rats and found that exposure to the compound actually resulted in reduced appetite. These results have paved the way for further research into the weight loss uses of CBD. It also highlighted a possible new use for CBD as an appetite suppressant.

However, there is still much to learn about the ways cannabidiol can affect appetite. If you're considering using it to control your appetite, read on to find out everything we know about it so far. If you want to try CBD as an appetite suppressant, specialist merchant sites such as Yummyweed offer quality CBD products, such as oil, herb, concentrates and resin.

How does our appetite work in general?

Hunger is one of our basic survival instincts and is therefore mainly controlled by the brain. It lets us know when we need to eat, and even, more or less, what we need to eat. When we have an intense craving for certain foods (except when it comes to gluttony), it often reveals that the body could be deficient in a specific essential nutrient contained in this food.

Although hunger and appetite work together, they are two different mechanisms. Appetite refers to the desire to eat rather than the need to eat. Appetite controls when we eat, what we like to eat and how much. That said, appetite is similar to hunger in that it is controlled by the brain.

The release of certain chemicals reacts with brain neurotransmitters to tell us when we are hungry and what we want to eat. These chemicals can directly stimulate the appetite or encourage the production of other chemicals in the body, such as ghrelin. However, there are other factors that can affect appetite as well. Mood, feelings and emotions can all influence appetite, as well as the types of food desired.

How does the endocannabinoid system control appetite?

Cannabinoids such as CBD interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is considered one of the most important physiological systems in the human body. It regulates various important functions, including sleep, mood and appetite.

There are two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. They are particularly located in the brain and the intestines. When an endocannabinoid interacts with a cannabinoid receptor, many physiological functions of various bodily systems are activated. Some of these functions include mood, memory, pain sensation and appetite.

ECS activity that occurs in the central nervous system regulates food intake. This is because when people are hungry, the ECS sends signals to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that helps regulate appetite. This, in turn, lets the limbic system (an area that controls emotions) know it's time to eat. After eating, the brain receives signals of satiety (via the hormone leptin), which reduces activity in the ECS and lets the body know that it is full.

CBD as an appetite suppressant

When CBD interacts with CB1 receptors (primarily located in the brain), it can have a regulatory effect. Therefore, it could act as agonist or antagonist. An agonist binds to neuroreceptors in the brain to stimulate or promote the production of certain hormones and chemicals in the body. An antagonist has the opposite effect, preventing or slowing the production of hormones and chemicals.

According to a 2007 study, CBD acts as a CB1 receptor antagonist. In some cases where overeating is a concern, CBD can be helpful in reducing ghrelin production, and therefore hunger pangs. It can also increase the production of chemicals that are released to signal to the body that it is full. This process can therefore significantly reduce appetite.

Another study published in 2018 reports that CB1 receptor antagonists can help reduce appetite, as well as control obesity by blocking or deactivating the receptor. Although CBD does not directly deactivate CB1 receptors, it can influence other molecules to block them. Blocking these receptors can greatly decrease appetite in some people.

At this point, it is important to state that although there is ample laboratory evidence to suggest that CBD can be used as an appetite suppressant, no direct clinical studies have shown that CBD can reduce appetite in people. 'Man.

Conclusion on the use of CBD as an appetite suppressant

Early results from studies conducted on the use of CBD as an appetite suppressant are promising and may encourage more research into how cannabidiol works to regulate natural cycles of hunger. However, it is important not to overstate these claims because, as mentioned above, current clinical research does not show a direct link between CBD and reduced appetite in humans.

That said, research suggests there is little harm in trying CBD for this purpose. For some people, the compound can prove to be a very effective appetite suppressant. Of course, keep in mind that exercise and a healthy diet will always be the most important aspects of achieving a healthy lifestyle.