Today I show you all the benefits of cumin to your organization.
Also called "Nigella", its virtues are actually much broader than that.
Diuretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory... traditional Indian medicine has been using cumin for centuries!
Our western societies only discovered all its advantages quite recently.
In any case, they understood that cumin cures many everyday ailments.
I, who have been using it for more than a year now, can tell you that my body is doing wonderfully.
Discover 12 powerful benefits of cumin and how to use this miracle spice every day. Watch:
Cumin is particularly recommended when it comes to relieving digestive disorders of all kinds.
I'm talking about difficult digestion, flatulence, constipation, stomach pain...
Our famous spice prevents and solves this type of erasure problem.
It is its carminative and antispasmodic properties that allow this.
That is to say, it relieves bloating, stomach aches, or stomach spasms of any kind.
Concrete example. I've always had trouble digesting cabbage properly.
Well the fact of adding a teaspoon of cumin in the cooking water allows me not to be bothered anymore.
There is a somewhat scientific explanation for this.
Cumin releases more digestive protein whether in the mouth, stomach, small intestine or even the liver.
This allows for much more efficient digestion!
Cumin seeds contain natural substances that act as antioxidants.
This means that these substances (called apigenin and luteolin) prevent free radicals from attacking our healthy cells.
As a reminder, free radicals are the cause of "oxidative stress".
This oxidative stress is responsible for aging, cancers and cardiovascular diseases!
Cumin seeds, rich in beta-carotene, help us fight the harmful effects of these free radicals.
They slow down the aging of cells and encourage the renewal of certain organic tissues.
Several studies have shown that cumin prevents and above all lowers cholesterol levels.
I am thinking in particular of a study where a group took 75mg of cumin twice a day for 8 weeks.
Well the results were significant.
There was a significant drop in triglycerides (a form of bad cholesterol).
Or a study of 88 women, half of whom took 3g of cumin mixed with yogurt twice a day.
They did this cure for 3 months and guess what, they had more "HDL" at the end.
In other words, they had more good cholesterol than the group that took a placebo.
Cumin has the ability to prevent cancer cells from multiplying.
This is a study that revealed this.
An experiment was done on rats that were given cumin.
Well they were protected against colon cancer.
Researchers from another study also confirm that cumin has these benefits.
Out of 9 popular herbs and spices, basil and cumin were the most potent anticarcinogenic herbs.
Our spice has a preventive action on the appearance of cancers, particularly stomach and liver cancer.
Cumin has been recommended for centuries in traditional Indian medicine to treat chronic diarrhea problems.
Western medicine is just beginning to understand the value of this spice.
Their studies are quite recent, but the results are quite conclusive.
A cumin seed extract was given to rats that suffered from diarrhea.
Well the researchers observed that the extract helped to cure this condition that we all hate!
People with diabetes have a long-term chance of developing cataracts.
You know, it's that eye disease that's clouding the vision.
It is often caused by high blood sugar, very common in diabetics.
And many studies have shown that consuming cumin powder regularly delays the progression of this disease.
But that's not all. The researchers also discovered something else.
Cumin powder also reduces type 2 diabetes in people with diabetes.
The active ingredients of cumin seeds have a recognized anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
They soothe pain and relieve acute inflammation.
Cumin seeds are particularly effective against rheumatism.
Consuming it regularly is therefore frankly good for the joints.
A laboratory study carried out on rats confirmed this.
Cumin did reduce the pain and inflammation of these little beasts during the test phase.
Several group studies have looked at how cumin can help with weight loss.
More research is needed, but the results of these studies are promising!
Overweight women who received cumin powder along with a healthy diet showed improvement.
Another study, this time on a mixed population of overweight men and women, demonstrated the same thing.
Their weight gain was simply stopped; some even lost 1.5 kg in 3 weeks.
The abbreviation IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
This digestive disorder is characterized by pain and feelings of abdominal discomfort.
This is, for example, cramps or digestive spasms associated with nausea, bloating and flatulence.
Well researchers have evaluated that cumin has properties to treat the symptoms of IBS.
Cumin extract was able to treat these symptoms for as long as participants consumed it.
It is so effective that it is hoped that cumin could replace the very expensive drugs that treat these disorders.
People with anemia can benefit from incorporating cumin into their daily diet.
Indeed, know that 100g of cumin contains around 66mg of iron.
So if you suffer from iron deficiency, consume cumin, even in small quantities.
This spice allows you to rebalance your body with regard to this mineral.
Do you know what a galactogenic food is?
It is a food that increases breast milk in nursing mothers.
Well, our favorite spice has this virtue.
Consumed as an infusion, cumin helps support milk production.
If you suffer from urinary tract infections or simply have trouble eliminating, take cumin.
In herbal teas or infusions, this spice allows good urinary elimination and a good cleansing of the renal system.
Cumin increases the evacuation of toxins while preventing the formation of fatty deposits in the stomach.
Are you convinced of its benefits?
And you want to know how to consume it easily?
First, you can get it here organic for cheap.
Then, the easiest way is obviously to put it directly in your dishes.
It goes very well with all savory dishes including aperitifs as in this recipe.
But be aware that you can also easily take it in the form of an infusion.
How to use cumin in herbal tea?
Put 1 good teaspoon of cumin seeds in 200 ml of boiling water.
Leave to infuse for 10 minutes and enjoy the benefits of cumin.
If you don't have any seeds, you can also put a teaspoon of cumin powder.
Finally, last way to use it is in the form of poultices.
Very effective against menstrual or abdominal pain.
Are there any precautions to take with cumin?
Not really!
This spice with multiple virtues is very safe even if you take it every day.
To make the most of its properties, it is best to cure it for 3 months and then stop for 3 months.
You will see your symptoms disappear quickly.