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How to recognize ADD

How to recognize ADD

Many people don't know they have ADD because they don't recognize the symptoms. These are 5 typical characteristics that belong to ADD.

1. You are sensitive, involved and emotional

You are overflowing with feeling, but have trouble showing it. You are dreamy because of a constant stream of thoughts. This makes it difficult to concentrate and you often come across as uninterested or absent. The opposite can happen if you have a passion for something:then your dreaminess can turn into a hyperfocus. Because of your sensitivity, you may suffer from mood swings. Then you withdraw and you need time for yourself, even though you are social.

2. You have trouble concentrating

Being busy in your head makes it difficult to concentrate on a task. You are easily distracted by sounds and movements around you. As a result, you spend longer than others to complete your task. It also costs you more energy and you make mistakes faster.

3. You suffer from procrastination

With ADD, the stress has to mount before you act. Many things are already happening in your head, but there is a threshold to start. Too many unresolved issues can lead to a constant sense of stress. After all, you still have a lot to do.

5. You are a perfectionist and creative

When you're put on a task that you're fully committed to, you'll make sure it's a success. You are a creative solution-oriented thinker.

6. Sleeping problems

A disturbed day and night rhythm is common in people with ADD. They can safely watch TV, clean or work late into the night. As a result, you are tired during the day, which in turn reinforces concentration problems.

In this month's Santé you can read how Brenda (46) discovered two years ago that she has ADD.

Margo is an ADD coach for adults. For more information, visit