Wearing a mask to go out during the covid epidemic is not is not very pleasant...
But when you wear glasses, it's even worse!
Why ? Because as soon as you breathe, fog appears on the lenses!
As a result, you can't see anything and you have to clean your glasses every 2 minutes.
In addition, you have to put your hands in your face, which is not recommended against the coronavirus.
So how do you keep glasses from fogging up with a goggle on?
Fortunately, here are 5 effective tips to avoid fogging up your glasses when you wear a mask . Watch:
How to wear a mask when you have glasses?
It is important that your mask is tight against your face.
A well-positioned mask that adheres to the skin prevents air from coming out of the top of the mask.
If not, consider adjusting your mask behind your ears to make it fit tighter.
Some flexible masks also allow you to stick as close as possible to the curves of the nose.
If you wear a homemade mask, it is possible to add a flexible iron wire around the nose so that it adheres better. The tutorial here.
Another effective trick is to use a tissue.
A simple paper towel can also get rid of the fogging of the glasses when wearing a mask.
To do this, take a tissue and fold it horizontally.
Then place the handkerchief between the face and your mask on the bridge of the nose.
In this way, it absorbs the moisture contained in your breath and reduces fogging.
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Another anti-fog device with your mask, a plaster!
To prevent air from coming out at the top of the mask, you can also use micropore tape.
How? 'Or' What ? It's quite simple! Cut out a piece of plaster and glue it to the top of the mask around the bridge of the nose.
It's a bit like a pince-nez!
This is actually something many medical students do when using goggles.
It's super effective and simple to do on a daily basis even with a homemade mask.
This really prevents the glasses from fogging up.
Soap is a great device to remove fogging on glasses .
Applying liquid soap to the glasses (front and back) by spreading it with a microfiber cloth is also effective as a trick.
If the lenses seem a little greasy, wipe off the excess with a clean tissue.
Technique tested and approved:the fog forms, but is removed immediately, stunning!
In fact, the soap deposits a film that protects the tiles and prevents the fog from settling.
Another solution, just as effective:shaving foam.
Apply it to both sides of the glasses, before rinsing them with hot water. Same spectacular result.
Be careful, however, to use these methods on clean glasses.
An easier tip for everyday mask wear is to use the weight of your goggles to block the air.
Nothing could be simpler, just use the weight of your glasses!
Pull the mask over the bridge of your nose as high as you can while making sure it's still under your chin.
All you have to do is let your glasses rest on the mask to hold it while you go outside.
I tried this method and it works well for me, but it depends on the shape and style of your glasses.
As a last resort, you can also try putting your glasses a little further up the tip of your nose.
The downside is that it can slightly distort your vision. But for some people it works just fine.
And there you have it, how to prevent glasses from fogging up by wearing a surgical mask!
You should know that there are also effective anti-fog sprays for glasses.
These sprays prevent the lenses from fogging up.
Just apply them to the glasses using a microfiber cloth or a soft cloth.
If you are looking for one, I recommend this one which works very well on my glasses.
When placed in front of the nose and mouth, the mask directs warm, moist air upwards.
As a result, condensation appears on the cold surface of the glasses.
This is when the goggles fog up.
This phenomenon also occurs in winter when moving from a cold place to a warm place or during a sporting activity.
There you go, you know how to keep your glasses from fogging up with a mask.