In life, you can suffer defeats, but you should never admit defeat.
Because it is thanks to these defeats that we know who we really are...
...but also that we learn to overcome failures, meet challenges and emerge stronger than before.
It's a paradox of life:sometimes, for things to move forward, they must first go wrong...
The problem is that, when we go through a very difficult period, we tend to forget this obviousness.
And it's all the more unfortunate that it could just help us overcome it!
Never forget that even the darkest moments of our lives will allow us to come out stronger.
Every defeat, every failure is a necessary step towards success.
It is an obstacle that momentarily hinders our way to Happiness.
Every difficulty one endures reduces the likelihood of repeating a mistake in the future.
Here are the 25 things you should NEVER forget during difficult times :
Happiness is knowing how to accept things as they are...
...instead of worrying about what they aren't.
To do the opposite is to make yourself unhappy for sure!
Never forget it:"what is, is". Otherwise it wouldn't be!
Everything else is a losing battle with reality.
Think about it for a minute:your suffering only appears when you resist life as it really is.
As a result, we can only influence how wereact events in life, not the events themselves.
And it's precisely how you react that will make you stronger.
Your strength lies in your response.
Sometimes we try not to face reality because we think it's not where we should be, where we want to be or where we aspired to be...
But, the truth is that the situation you find yourself in today (as difficult as it is) is the one you must be in to improve your future life.
Yes, you read that right. Sometimes not getting what you want can be a good thing later!
This forces you to better assess the situation in which you are and to see things from another angle.
We can then discover new opportunities and positive aspects of our life that we had not noticed before.
You have to accept it:in life, things are constantly changing...
...they are constantly evolving with each passing minute.
Therefore, no matter how good or bad a situation is at any given time, have no fear:everything will eventually pass!
Patience, therefore...
Movement is the very principle of life :-)
You don't have to try hard to avoid change:it's better to devote your energy to figuring out how to accomplish what will make you happy.
And that's by clearly defining what improving life actually means to you that your life can effectively be better.
To eradicate suffering and frustration, you have to know how to set positive goals.
And be very precise in the definition of these personal objectives.
Remember that Happiness is not a goal in itself, it is simply what results from a life fully lived.
The real question to ask is therefore:how do you want to live your life in the future?
According to Sigmund Freud, "Most people don't really yearn for freedom, because freedom comes with responsibility and people are afraid of that".
Don't be like all these people:assume.
When you blame someone else for a situation you find yourself in, you are running away from your responsibilities.
Therefore, you are simultaneously giving up the power you have within to change your life.
No matter how bad a situation is, remember that it can always get worse.
Remember that you cannot have a positive life by having a negative attitude.
In fact, to make it evolve in the right way and finally get out of it, it is necessary to think in a positive way.
Because when negativity takes over your thoughts...
...this inevitably has a direct impact on your behavior, your actions and the opportunities that present themselves to you.
It is only by becoming fully aware of the true power of your mind that you will manage to lessen what undermines your well-being.
Truth be told, what other people do and say, even the most negative opinion of what you do, is irrelevant.
Because all of this is actually a reflection of themselves — not your person.
Negative feelings dominate them, so they make those around them feel them.
Therefore, never take negative judgments too much to heart;-)
Always forgive people who have wronged you — even when they don't admit they did.
Then let go and move on.
Don't do it for them, do it for you.
Because to forgive others is above all to do good to oneself.
The best cure for anger is to love others, laugh with them, and let go.
You would never eat a food that you know is poisonous, right?!
Well in the same way, don't allow an ounce of anger in your heart.
To discover: 30 Things You Need to Let Go of.
Yes, sometimes life can be really complicated and its wounds terrible.
But never forget that this pain is passing .
And above all, don't let it turn you into evil.
You must come out stronger, grown up.
A strong person does not ignore pain.
She knows how to take the time to cry, openly.
But after crying, she sits up and fights for what she yearns for.
We are not defined by what we achieve, but by the hardships we have overcome...
...and especially by the lessons we learned from it.
Therefore, life's difficulties are not mere obstacles that stand in our way...
...they are in fact the path one should take.
In life, it is essential to know how to take risks.
On the other hand, there is one that you must avoid at all costs:the risk of doing nothing.
Shakespeare wrote:"The whole world is a stage / And all, men and women, are but actors" .
So go to the front of the stage and take action.
The goal is to get things moving in the right direction, if only by a small step.
Always strive to improve. Not to be perfect.
Take inspiration from the words of Thomas Edison, when he was working to invent the light bulb:
"I've never failed. I've just discovered 10,000 ways that don't work."
In other words, failure isn't really failure unless you learn from it.
Thomas Edison's thousands of failures taught him what not to do, and ultimately pointed him toward the invention that would light up the world.
So put your so-called "failures" into perspective.
Just learn to learn from them, because they will point the way to improvement.
And that's the only thing that matters.
To be happy, the first thing is to work on how you perceive the world.
Thus, apprehending a situation in a negative way will necessarily lead to negative thoughts and actions.
On the contrary, if you choose to see things differently, telling yourself that there is a lesson to be learned from any situation that happens to you, then everything changes!
This somewhat complicated situation will change:it will no longer be a problem, but rather an opportunity.
Also, remember that very often , the only thing that keeps us from moving forward are the false ideas we have of ourselves and of life.
Comparing yourself to others is terribly useless.
Each person has their own problems and must take the time necessary to deal with them.
We're all different. In fact, there is no point in comparing yourself to others.
The only person you should compare yourself to is yourself.
Always try to be better than the person you were yesterday.
Especially when life is difficult, you need to be able to rely on yourself and your qualities.
Also, working on your confidence in yourself, in your own strength, is one of the most important investments you can make.
Never forget:you deserve it!
Self-confidence is not innate or reserved for the successful few.
In fact, it depends on how you perceive your own actions and choices.
Yes, you're not perfect, but you're doing your best.
Always be indulgent with yourself and you will only be stronger to face the trials.
Sharing kind and encouraging words with your loved ones and everyone around you is both easy and so powerful.
Be kind whenever possible.
The positive effects this behavior has on others are enormous.
In fact, be attentive and kind to those around you as often as possible, even when they disappoint you.
Never forget:in life, you always reap what you sow.
No, others will not be able to systematically get you out of the bad times you are going through.
But, by letting them into your life, they can enlighten your judgment, help you gain perspective.
The caring presence of a person will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel more quickly.
Even in the most peaceful situations, a heart that does not know how to be grateful will suffer.
On the contrary, someone who knows how to be grateful for what life has brought him will find serenity more easily in the event.
Look around you:there is always, always, always, something in your life that deserves your gratitude.
Life is always better when you smile.
Knowing how to stay positive when things are going badly is not being naïve!
On the contrary, it is knowing how to stay strong to continue on the right path.
You know you're on the right track, when you have good reason to cry and complain...
...but instead prefer to smile and enjoy life.
Ask yourself this question:what if you got up tomorrow morning thinking only of the things and people that make you happy? :)
If you look closely, you'd get bored quickly if life was a long quiet river, right?!
It is necessary to have a little chaos and disorder in your life.
Because when everything works as we want, we no longer know how to enjoy all the pleasures that life offers us.
We all too often forget to take the time to appreciate our successes, even the smallest ones.
Never forget that your happiness is based on a succession of small exploits of which you must be aware.
That's how you have a full and positive life.
To discover: 8 Things Happy People Do Differently.
When a situation isn't improving, sometimes you have to know how to move on.
You have to succeed in doing it without hesitation and without questioning yourself or making yourself feel guilty.
The idea is to let go of what you no longer have control over.
The goal is then to succeed in reinventing yourself by adapting to what is happening in your life.
It's not about giving up, it's about recognizing that it's time to stop wasting your energy and move on.
We have all experienced a situation that makes us so doubt that we have the impression of being at an impasse.
During difficult times, we doubt everything, it's normal.
We doubt our ability to make an important decision, to fend for ourselves, to change drastically or even to write a new chapter in our lives.
When you are torn by doubt, think of this image:
- if a bird stays in a cage too long, it too will have doubts about its ability to fly — despite the fact that its wings are still working perfectly well .
You, it's exactly the same:your wings are still working. You just have to relearn how to deploy them.
So, train yourself to deploy all your skills and those qualities that you have not exploited until now.
Give yourself some time and you'll soon see you'll be flying again!
Improving your life is a long-term job.
It takes a lot to overcome a challenge, learn from it and apply it in order to follow the path that will make you truly happy. effort.
Of course, there are exceptional cases, those people who seem to have "succeeded" in a short time and with little effort.
But the truth is that these people often worked hard before their so-called "rapid ascent" was visible.
Their success is not due to chance or luck:it is the culmination of several years of effort to achieve the objectives they had set themselves.
So, every morning, be ready to give even more of yourself than the day before and accept that the work is done day by day.
It won't be easy, but in time all your efforts will pay off!
Life can be unfair and difficult, more or less for each of us.
But on closer inspection, the hardships we are going through are also a precious gift.
Because, it is by overcoming them that we forge this strength that will allow us to find our path and achieve our goals, the only ones that truly define us.
It is therefore precisely because life is difficult that it is great.
Thanks to the trials it puts in our path, we have this strength that allows us to improve and get out of complicated situations with ever greater efficiency.
So when you're going through a tough time, NEVER forget that you can get through it.
Be positive:it's just about being more stronger than before and overcome these obstacles to get something constructive out of it for you.