Dressing up is something we all do daily, or even several times a day.
So why not learn practical tips to simplify your life?
We know all about straps that fall off, zippers that come down on their own, shoes that hurt your feet...
But when you see these tricks, you'll think:why didn't I think of this sooner?
We have selected for you 31 tips for clothes that all girls should know . Watch:
If your jeans aren't skinny, it's hard to tuck them into your boots without making a big lump in your ankle. It's uncomfortable and ugly. Use the cavalier method:fold the jeans and put your socks over them. Be careful, Cristina Cordula reminds us that jeans in boots are a big "fashion faux pas"!
Here is a little magic and sewing trick that will please you. This little strap prevents bra straps from slipping and secures them to your top. It also prevents a wide collar from gaping and showing too much of your cleavage. All you need are snaps and small strips of fabric. Check out the trick here.
I have jeans that are a little too tight, the closure of which spends its time going down on its own. Here is a great trick to get rid of this problem. Take a keychain ring and slip it through the zipper loop hole. Mount your zipper and attach the ring to the button of the jeans. The ring will not be seen and above all will simplify your life. Check out the trick here.
Some clothes can't be tumble dried because they shrink. And yet, in the euphoria of laundry days, those clothes sneakily slip into the bad pile and end up in the dryer. And here is the result:we end up with shrunken clothes. Fortunately, there is a trick to solve this problem. Check out the trick here.
Here is a little slimming tip that will appeal to all women. Wear a tight tank top between your sweater and your button-down blouse. This will prevent a blouse that is a little too large from curling under your sweater and exposing the button placket.
Have you gained a few pounds and your jeans have been a little too tight lately? Do not panic and above all, no need to buy a new one. The fabric of the jeans stretches and conforms to your body quite well.
Here's how:spray water on the tightest areas or even better, sit fully clothed in the tub for a few minutes. Then let the jeans dry on you.
It will take your shape perfectly. Now rock the jeans all over the house. Sit down, do stretches, lunges, and whatever else you want to stretch it out. Then remove the jeans and let them dry. Once dry, put it back on and repeat these movements. You will see, you will finally be able to breathe!
If you want to stretch the jeans lengthwise, dampen them and lay them on the floor. Put your feet on the belt, and take each leg by pulling it towards you about ten times.
We don't necessarily think about it, but to have a harmonious silhouette, it is important to adapt your necklace according to the shape of your neckline. It makes all the difference and it completes your outfit perfectly.
It happens to me all the time. When I put on my top and I've already applied my deodorant, it leaves white marks everywhere. And since I often dress in black, it's worse than anything. Fortunately, to erase them, I use baby wipes. Handy for removing those nasty marks quickly.
If your t-shirts are organized, it's much easier to find the one you're looking for. In addition, this storage technique takes up much less space in your drawers. Fold them so as to put the printed side on top in order to recognize each t-shirt without unfolding everything. Check out the trick here.
A nice pair of shoes is useless if we leave it in the closet because it hurts us. I've got a closet full of shoes I can't put on. Yes, if you don't feel good in your shoes, don't put them on!
With my wide feet, narrow pumps really hurt. Fortunately, here is the trick to slightly loosen the leather of your shoes. Fill a sturdy freezer bag halfway with water. Zip it up and slip it into your shoes. Put the shoes in the freezer overnight. The next morning your shoes will be enlarged and you will have gone up almost half a size. Repeat the operation if necessary! Check out the trick here.
For the winter, you can of course buy ready-made leggings, but why not recycle that old sweater that you no longer wear? It's simple:cut the sleeves, make a stitch to stop the stitches if necessary. And there you have it, your custom leggings. Check out the trick here.
You know, those yellowish marks on white t-shirts or blouses that appear after sweating in them. To remove them easily, spray pure lemon juice on them before washing. Check out the trick here.
If you're more of a jeans/t-shirt style and fashion isn't really your thing, these different belt knots will help you wear it in an original way. Especially if you have lots of belts that you never wear because you don't necessarily know how to put them on.
When you buy a t-shirt, the cotton is sometimes very rigid and therefore not very pleasant to wear. To remedy this, soak the t-shirt in salt water for 3 days. Then, wash the garment as usual to have a very soft t-shirt.
If you have a pair of ballerinas with a round or pointed toe, you can customize them yourself. Spray some gold paint on the tip (you can even add glitter). Remember to cover the rest of the shoe to avoid unwanted paint splashes.
We all have those frilly pieces of lingerie that we never wear. I hung them in the dressing room, but never considered folding them, because they slip all the time. But here is finally a good method to fold these pretty little things.
I love canvas shoes because it's comfortable and breathable. The problem is that they take on water easily. Fortunately, with beeswax you can waterproof your shoes without using toxic products. Check out the trick here.
Save the tabs from the cans, as you can use them to line your hangers easily and save space. In addition, it allows the sets of clothes to be hung in the same place without losing half of them. Check out the trick here.
You have surely already stopped the spun stitches of tights with transparent varnish. But why not use hairspray? Spray hairspray on your tights, especially the fragile areas, before putting them on and no more addicts;). Check out the trick here.
If you have ripped jeans, customize it in an original way. Choose a nice fabric and add some embroidery to create a cool new garment.
Nothing is more unpleasant and complicated to remove than chewing gum stuck on clothing. To successfully remove it, simply use an ice cube. Check out the trick here.
If you have a bra underwire that has come out of the fabric and is hurting you, don't throw the bra away! But instead, use an anti-blister bandage to plug the hole through which it escapes. You can also use an iron-on fabric. Check out the trick here.
And why not put some pretty lace tights under your ripped jeans? A good way to accessorize it and stay warm even in winter! A pair of opaque tights for a casual look or beautiful lace for a more glamorous side.
Some garments such as sweaters pill due to friction around the arms and down the sweater. Don't worry, it's easy to remove. For this, use a pumice stone and then a sticky roller. Check out the trick here.
If you put on your boots during the snowy season, there may be white marks due to the salt. With just white vinegar, soap, conditioner, brush, towel and waterproofer, you're done. First brush your boots to remove excess salt. Then, put some soap on a damp towel and rub your boots. Mix white vinegar and water in a spray (half and half) and spray on the leather then wipe with a towel. Then pass a layer of conditioner and removing the excess and waterproof.
There are many ways to tie a scarf and we all have our favorites. Me, I love this one, because it's really stylish and the scarf stays in place.
Did you get a red wine stain on your white blouse? Do not panic, simply water the stain with white wine. Check out the trick here.
It's always a hassle to put your clothes on the hangers! Neckline too small or too wide, we systematically fight... Fortunately, here is a simple and quick trick to easily hang your clothes on the hangers. The trick is to put your arm through the collar of the clothes, then slip the garment on the hanger.
Fold, roll and pull, nothing could be simpler. You know... those looks that make you look casual without having put in the effort;-).
These cords always tend to get lost so that most of them are lost. The first trick is to tie a knot at each end so that the cord can no longer pass through the small loop.
Then, if ever the cord has already crossed out, you can use the straw trick. Check out the trick here.
You can also hook a small safety pin at one end and rethread the cord. The pin lets you have something stiff and chunky to grab through the fabric.
To prevent pants from slipping off their hangers, here's a pro tip. Put a leg on each side of the hanger and put a first leg from the outside to the inside and repeat the operation for the second.
If you don't have anyone to help you zip up your dress, this trick is for you!
Just use a lanyard with a loop. Find out how here.