The area where I live is infested with mosquitoes...
The worst is when I go for a walk in the woods...
In wet places, I literally get slaughtered by those filthy critters!
For me, keeping mosquitoes away is a daily priority!
By the way, did you know that only the female mosquito bites?
She takes about 5 milligrams of blood per bite, twice her weight since she weighs an average of 2.5 milligrams.
Female mosquitoes use iron and protein from the blood for the maturation and laying of their eggs.
When a mosquito bites, its proboscis penetrates the skin in search of a blood vessel.
Then she pierces the skin with her needle-like proboscis and pumps our blood.
During this operation, mosquito saliva is injected into our skin.
It is the substances contained in this saliva that cause irritation and an itching sensation.
As a result, we end up with a nice blister that itches to death!
Fortunately, there are 5 magic grandmother remedies to cure a mosquito bite naturally . Watch:
A dash of apple cider vinegar is particularly effective in soothing itchy mosquito bites.
In addition, it helps to relieve the inflammation of the pimple.
I can't tell you exactly's just one of those old grandmother's remedies that really works !
Did you scratch the sting until you got a scratch? So be aware that with the vinegar, it will sting a little!
But sometimes it's so much better than suffering from that horrible itch!
- organic cider vinegar
- a piece of cotton
How to
1. Soak the piece of cotton with apple cider vinegar.
2. Squeeze the cotton to remove excess vinegar and prevent it from dripping everywhere.
3. Press the soaked cotton directly on the bite, for about 5 seconds.
Repeat this treatment as soon as the itching returns, and until it disappears.
When a sting starts to drive you really crazy, get out the ice cube tray!
The coolness of the ice cube will reduce the burning and unpleasant inflammation of the bite.
And in addition, the ice cube will "anesthetize" the area and reduce the urge to scratch until the blood.
You can put your ice cubes in an ice pack. But I prefer to put an ice cube directly on the bite, even if it runs all over the place.
- an ice cube
How to
Put the ice cube directly on the bite, until it is completely melted or at least half melted! It's not really an exact science...
Here, the principle is the same as the ice cube method. Except that you use a cucumber instead of an ice cube, and without having water dripping everywhere.
From my personal experience, know that cucumber is a little less effective than the ice cube.
But there are many people who say the opposite, that cucumber is more effective than ice cubes.
Because not everyone reacts the same way to these 2 methods, I advise you to try them both, to see which is the most effective for your skin type.
Cucumbers contain fisetin, an organic compound recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties.
As far as I'm concerned, I think cucumber should be ingested instead to take advantage of its virtues.
But if you're desperate for a remedy to relieve a mosquito bite quickly, don't hesitate to try the cucumber method.
And don't forget to tell me in the comments if it worked for you. I'm curious to see if this remedy works for everyone.
- a cucumber
How to
1. Cut the cucumber into slices.
2. Chill the cucumber slices in the refrigerator.
3. When needed, put a slice of cucumber directly on the bite, until the itching subsides.
As you will see, cucumber brings a cool and soothing feeling to the skin.
And unlike ice cream, cucumber won't melt on contact with your skin!
So you can easily hold it in place until you don't feel the itch anymore.
Yes, you read that right, toothpaste! But not just any:peppermint toothpaste, like this one.
This remedy is ideal if you have nothing else on hand.
If so, apply some organic peppermint toothpaste to the affected area. It relieves the itching sensation quickly.
The menthol in the peppermint brings a pleasant sensation of freshness, which relieves the sting.
- organic peppermint toothpaste
How to
1. Apply a little toothpaste to the bite, using light touches.
2. Spread the toothpaste in a thin layer.
3. Repeat if necessary, taking care to rinse off the old layer of toothpaste beforehand.
To discover: The 5 Benefits of Peppermint You Need to Know.
Do you have any lemons left at home? Anyway, you should always have it in your house, considering all its uses!
Me, it's simple, I always have lemons on hand, especially if I know that I risk being eaten by those dirty mosquitoes...
Lemon, it stings a little when you put it on the pimple.
But as strange as it may seem, I think it is precisely the acidity of lemon that helps relieve the pain of mosquito bites.
In addition, lemon prevents bacteria from irritating the affected area, if you have a scratch from excessive scratching.
- a fresh lemon
- or squeezed lemon juice, if you don't have a fresh lemon on hand
How to
1. Cut a slice of lemon.
2. Wrap the rest of the lemon with cling film and put it in the fridge to reuse later.
3. Rinse the bite with cool water, and pat it dry.
4. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice directly onto the bite.
There is an alternative method. You can also squeeze the juice from the lemon into a small bowl. Then use a piece of cotton (or your clean fingers) and apply the juice with light strokes.
You feel like you always attract mosquitoes while others never ?
If your friends are not affected by mosquitoes, but you are systematically eaten, what does that mean?
Perhaps your blood is particularly tasty for the taste buds of mosquitoes?
Scientifically, it turns out that you may be right !
Studies have shown that mosquitoes land more often on those with blood group O, almost twice as much as those with blood group A.
And according to their genes, about 85% of people secrete a chemical signal that indicates which blood group they belong to.
And according to the researchers, mosquitoes seem to favor these people and tend not to bite the remaining 15% who keep their blood type "secret".
Thus, the world is sometimes unfair:yes, mosquitoes prefer you to others!