Getting stung by a bee really isn't a game of pleasure...
In addition, the pain can easily last for a few hours.
Luckily, here are the top 14 home remedies to relieve pain fast.
We have also selected interesting tips to avoid getting bitten.
Indeed, the best way to not have pain is not to be stung! Watch:
First, make sure the stinger has been removed. To find it, look for a black spot in the sting area. Remove it immediately, as it will reduce the amount of venom released into the body.
It is often said that it can be removed with a blunt or plastic knife. But you can simply use tweezers to remove it.
Wash the bitten area with soap and water then try one of the remedies below for quick pain relief:
1. Bicarbonate of soda. To cure a bee sting naturally, make a paste by mixing baking soda and water. Mix well, then apply to the bite.
2. Baking soda and vinegar. Sprinkle generously with baking soda, then pour a few drops of white vinegar over the baking soda. The effervescent effect will calm the pain. And the mixture will make the bee sting quickly deflate. Leave on the skin until the pain is gone.
3. The m bustard . Wondering what to put on a bee sting? Some mustard. Surprising but effective! Put a little mustard on the bite. Put on a little gauze and let it dry. Renew the application after 4 hours if necessary.
4. The m iel . Here is an excellent home remedy to treat a bee sting. Cover the bite with honey. Do not hesitate to reapply if the pain persists.
5. The d entifrice. Dab the bite with a good amount of toothpaste and let it act on the bitten area.
6. Ice cream. Use ice or an ice pack to fall asleep and relieve pain.
7. Epsom salt . If the bite is on the hand, for example, soak it in a mixture of water and Epsom salt. You can also make a thick paste and put it on the bite to calm the itch.
8. Aloe vera. Apply aloe vera directly to the wound. It is an effective natural treatment to calm a bee sting.
9. A banana leaf. Chew a banana leaf then apply the chewed leaf to the painful area.
10. Parsley. Crush some fresh parsley and apply to the bite.
11. Basil. Mix fresh basil leaves and apply to the area to be treated.
12. Cider vinegar. Immediately drench the bite with apple cider vinegar. It is a natural medicine to relieve a sting.
13. Papaya . Cover the area with a slice of fresh papaya.
14. Deodorant . Dab some deodorant on the affected area.
The normal reaction to a bee sting is severe pain and itching. The bitten area will redden and swell. The pain should last for a few hours and then should go away.
But, if any of the following symptoms occur, seek medical attention as soon as possible:
- If you have been bitten inside the mouth or nose. The area will swell heavily and may affect breathing.
- If you have been stung repeatedly by many bees.
- If you have difficulty breathing or your breathing seems less fluid.
- If your tongue begins to swell.
- If you feel dizzy.
- If your vision blurs and becomes blurry.
- If you feel nauseous.
- If your tongue is slurred or you have difficulty speaking.
- If pimples or a rash appear (especially in an area away from the wound).
- If the area swells alarmingly.
If the reaction seems important, even severe (especially if breathing is affected), do not hesitate to call the emergency services. The victim may indeed experience an allergic reaction that can trigger anaphylactic shock.
First of all, be logical! To avoid being stung, avoid attracting bees. No brightly colored clothes, strong perfumes, hair gels or cosmetics that might attract them.
Also avoid sugary foods, carbonated drinks, fruits and syrups lying around on the table. Especially near children.
Do not behave aggressively or fearfully near a bee because there is little chance that it will want to sting you for no reason!
If one lands on you or next to you, hold on until it flies away. Be careful, if you make sudden and rapid movements, it means that you are challenging them and initiating hostilities. So if you scream while waving your arms, make sure you can throw them away :-)
Tip: If the bee lands on you, blow gently on it to help it take flight.
Did you know ? In autumn, harvests are thin for bees because flowers, fruits and plants are scarce. So if you're wearing light-colored clothes and smelling good, when most of the vegetation is declining, they might think you're a very big flower to forage. They'll think they've hit the jackpot!
The stinger is torn from the body of the bee and left in the skin of its victim (this is what releases the venom). The poor bee is literally gutted and cannot survive. It is for this reason that they only attack when they feel threatened (for themselves, their hive or their queen).
Although bees can be scary, know that they are essential for pollinating our plants and flowers (and of course for making delicious honey!).
You can help the bees that are dying out due to pesticides by planting these flowers in your garden.