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Tips for cycling through the winter on your e-bike

I have taken the past few weeks very literally by cycling through the winter. Just on that one night when it snowed a lot, I was on the electric bike to Den Bosch. How we enjoyed the fresh air and the cutting snow on the way back in the middle of the night, haha. I felt like a teenager again. I would never have done this on my regular bike, I can tell you, but with the electric bike it was a breeze. By the way, did you know that you do have to do some maintenance on the electric bicycle if you want to cycle through the winter?

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Cycling in the winter and maintenance of your electric bicycle

Of course I could choose to just take the car, especially for a longer ride, but I think cycling to your destination has quite a few advantages. First of all, the exercise is good for me, especially in December, all the exercise I get is a nice bonus to average the extra food and drink. And, did you know that nowadays there are also special electric bicycles for moms?

It is also better for the environment to ride a bicycle more often instead of taking the car. And certainly when it comes to rides within our village, getting on an electric bicycle has a big advantage:I am already there before I can otherwise scratch the window of my car. The above three reasons are enough for me to enjoy the bike ride. We had a different reason for the bike ride to Den Bosch and I took the necessary precautions in terms of maintenance of my electric bike to get through the trip well.

Would you both drink a glass of wine during a nice dinner? Then we have to go by bike and that's what we did in the direction of Den Bosch. Because I was going to go on my electric bicycle, Frank borrowed it from his father, otherwise it is impossible of course, one with an electric bicycle and the other without. In the end we cycled 18 kilometers there (luckily when it was still dry) and 18 kilometers back in the cutting snow. That was quite a few kilometers for us, but with the electric bicycle it works very well.

Electric bicycle and necessary maintenance

It is not that you have to work very hard on it, but there are a number of things that you should take into account if you want to continue to enjoy your electric bicycle in the winter. Do you cycle through the winter just like me? Then read on for the necessary maintenance on your electric bicycle so that you do not come to a standstill at an undesirable moment. The tips partly come from where my e-bike comes from.

Maintenance in summer and winter

Of course you also need to do some maintenance on your electric bicycle in the summer, just like on your regular bicycle. The actual maintenance is not that bad, but in the winter you can pay that little bit extra attention to your e-bike.

  1. Even in the summer it is important to keep your bicycle clean every now and then. Do not use a high-pressure cleaner for this cleaning, but simply use a garden hose or a bucket of water.
  2. You can also use a special cleaning agent for bicycles, such as Cyclon.
  3. Dry your bike well again.
  4. Never let your battery run down completely, there is a chance that it will not or hardly charge anymore. The current lithium batteries use a BMS (Battery Management System) which prevents the battery from discharging completely while cycling, but charges it again at home as soon as possible.
  5. Suppose you do not use your bicycle for a longer period of time, then it is important to charge the battery every now and then, because the battery of your electric bicycle is very slowly depleted.
  6. Check your tire pressure regularly, tires that are too soft give more resistance and therefore require more support from your battery.

Special tips for maintenance electric bicycle in winter

  1. In winter there is more dirt, so your bike can get dirtier and may need an extra cleaning.
  2. Never leave your battery out in the cold, it will shorten its lifespan. I always take the battery inside in the winter.
  3. Use contact spray to maintain all electrical parts of your bicycle, it protects against corrosion and oxidation.
  4. If your battery has to be left outside for a longer period of time, make sure you have a good protective cover.
  5. Winter tires for your bike! Didn't you know that there are winter tires for your bike 😉 . Neither do I, to be honest, but now I know. Winter tires provide much better grip in winter.

Enjoy cycling in winter

In addition to the necessary maintenance of your electric bicycle, it is of course important that you dress yourself well in the winter. Wear a thick scarf, gloves and preferably an extra cardigan under your coat or something. And a hat on, I wouldn't have wanted to miss it this night 😉 . Multiple layers keep you warm. A major advantage of the electric bicycle is that you do not arrive at your destination completely sweaty, despite the warm clothing.

We enjoyed the bike ride and the nice conversations you make time for at moments like this. Delicious. Who of you also makes these kinds of bike rides (whether or not in the snow)?