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Protect yourself in times of epidemic

Protection in times of epidemic requires the strict application of the barrier gestures put in place by the health authorities. Isolating yourself, washing your hands regularly with running water, avoiding " fake news " or even wearing personal protective equipment, these are some of the hygiene measures put in place. The formal respect of these stipulations can make it possible to circumscribe the evolution of a disease by means of contamination. Let's take a look at these tips that help protect yourself by protecting others.

Isolate or stay at home

One of the most effective measures to protect yourself during an epidemic is to isolate yourself by staying at home. The main advantage of confinement is that it prevents you from mixing with potentially sick people you may encounter on your way. It must be said that physical contact with a sick person or a space previously occupied by him dangerously increases the risk of contamination. It is for this reason that the authorities advise to stay at home as much as possible and to go out only when absolutely necessary. In case of essential needs:shopping, going to work or going to the hospital, take the trouble to wear the protective equipment. These can help protect you if you unknowingly come into contact with someone who is sick.

Apply barrier gestures

Many gestures help to block the way to the spread of a disease during an epidemic. In such environments, compliance with certain measures, according to specialists, can stop the spread of the virus or microbe responsible for the epidemic. For example, people are advised to wash their hands regularly.

Demonstrations made by the specialists revealed that it was unfortunately not the thing best mastered. However, this gesture must be repeated as many times as possible before, for example, cooking the meal, after a sneeze, a trip to the toilet, contact with an animal or if you are back home after an outing.

The process itself requires rigor and application. It is concretely a question of washing your hands with flowing water like that of a tap. No less than twenty seconds is the minimum duration of this operation. In addition to rubbing your palms vigorously with soap, it is advisable to clean your nails and clean the spaces between your fingers. In addition, the use of a hydroalcoholic gel or solution makes it possible to disinfect the hands by destroying any microbes that may lodge inside the skin lesions.

Ventilate the house, use disposable tissues

Tissues can be a great help in times of epidemics, especially if they are single-use. Indeed, the use of these tools can be useful when coughing, sneezing or spitting. Using a handkerchief in this context avoids putting those who share the same room as the infected person at risk of contamination. This is why it is strongly recommended to use a disposable tissue and dispose of it as soon as possible in a closed trash can.

Ventilating the house during an epidemic is a health tip recommended by health professionals. The goal here is to let air and daylight into all rooms of the house. The operation can take 15 minutes or more. It must be done on a daily basis and may be mandatory if you receive a visit from a sick relative or friend.

Use personal protective equipment

Wearing masks or mufflers is a necessity during an epidemic. Using this personal protective equipment helps sick people protect their neighbors. Surgical masks and other types are sold in pharmacies and specialty shops. A healthy person can also wear a mask to protect themselves from the fluids emitted by a sick person during a conversation. The protective masks are for single use and their lifespan is approximately 4 hours.

Disposable gloves are another protective accessory. They provide protection during an epidemic. Regardless of the material used:latex, vinyl, polymer or polyethylene, they are robust and very strong. In terms of compliance with hygiene rules and the application of barrier gestures to avoid contamination, what better than to use disposable gloves. They help to protect themselves when touching common objects or spaces and can also be sterilized for greater safety.

Avoid fake news

Another precaution is to avoid "word-of-mouth" and the proliferation of false information. They generally emanate from sources that are not very credible, unknown and are impossible to verify. They are spreading on the internet via social networks like wildfire. In times of epidemic, they become viral and pose serious dangers to populations.

In general, " fake news " are creations ex nihilo, inventions that have no scientific basis. They are intended to encourage self-medication, which is strongly discouraged by health authorities. In times of epidemic, " fake news " constitutes a real danger which we must protect ourselves by avoiding as much as possible to share them. Any useful information for treating a disease must come from known official sources. The rest participates in disinformation and must be sifted through reason through genuine criticism of the sources.

Respect social distancing measures

A number of measures taken by the authorities enable populations to protect themselves during an epidemic. Among these are social distancing measures. They consist, among other things, of avoiding small gatherings and not frequenting public places too much. Limiting contact with people of the elderly or in a precarious state of health is also recommended.

If you find yourself in a place where there are people (places of commerce, financial establishments and others), put a distance of at least two meters between you and your neighbors. Last but not least, refrain from greeting each other with vigorous handshakes, kisses or hugs. In addition, if an outing is necessary or mandatory, go out outside peak hours. Prioritize the use of technological tools to keep in touch with your loved ones. All of these precautions are of paramount importance, as they can help you better protect yourself in times of epidemics.

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Disinfect the house and its surroundings

Use antiseptic products to protect yourself through regular disinfection of the house. One of the most common products used as a disinfectant by households is bleach. This formidable disinfectant contains chlorine, a chemical compound used to sterilize instruments and spaces in hospital environments. Its effectiveness against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens is well established. For best performance, bleach should be diluted with cold water. The dilution mechanism recommended by the Center Pasteur is 0.25 l of bleach for one liter of water. Mixing bleach with hot water is strictly prohibited by specialists. In addition to the fact that hot water helps to reduce the effects of bleach, health risks remain. Indeed, this mixture can cause a chemical reaction and chlorinated derivatives, with toxic effects, can be formed.

How to use bleach?

During an epidemic, the disinfection of surfaces or everyday objects regularly touched by the hands is mandatory once or twice a day. Mix the bleach with cold water and then use the liquid obtained to disinfect the common areas and the surfaces most exposed to infections as a priority. Door handles, light switches, stair railings, computer keyboards, taps, remote controls, tablet and smartphone screens are some of them.

Also clean and disinfect your kitchen worktop at least once a day. Be careful, after letting the bleach work for five minutes, do not forget to iron a damp cloth over the disinfected surface. This allows the rest of the chemical compound to dry out. The floor of the house must be disinfected weekly during an epidemic. There is no need to sanitize laundry let alone food. The detergents used during laundry are true antimicrobials. In addition, bleach is a chemical product, which implies its danger in case of misuse such as mixing it with food.

The contribution of protective equipment is not negligible in the fight to protect against the spread of an epidemic. However, refueling with professionals protects you from unpleasant surprises such as the tearing of a glove or a mask. For the purchase of your protective equipment, trust RS Components. This online store offers a wide range of quality products for your safety.