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What to do in case of sunstroke?

What to do in case of sunstroke?

With the heat, sunstroke is lurking. Do you know how to prevent and cure heatstroke?

How do you get sunstroke? Your body constantly keeps itself at the right temperature and even on hot days it usually works well. If you lose more fluid than you take in, your body has too little fluid to evaporate. Your body temperature then rises, if you don't sweat out the heat, you get sunstroke. Sometimes the body temperature can even rise to 42 degrees Celsius and that is life-threatening.

The symptoms of heat stroke The first symptoms of heat stroke are usually excessive sweating, weakness, muscle cramps and headaches. The symptoms that can occur afterwards include:dizziness, headache, weakness, seizures, unconsciousness, problems with movement, fast heartbeat, fever, nausea.

A sunstroke and now?
In the first instance, it is important to get someone with heat stroke out of the sun and let them drink enough. Also, remove as much clothing as possible and cool someone with heat stroke with wet, cold cloths. With mild heat stroke, most adults recover from heat stroke within a few days. Rest and coolness are important for recovery.

When should you get medical help?
Sunstroke can be serious. In case of complaints such as fever or loss of consciousness, you should consult a doctor. When in doubt, always contact a doctor. The elderly and children need medical help more quickly.

Prevention is better than cure
Read our tips to prevent heat stroke.