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So-called "boring" people:what effects on their health?

Some people are considered "boring". This qualification is generally directly related to the daily practices of these individuals. However, the resulting psychological and social impact can have serious consequences. Scientists have thus looked into the notorious effects felt by the victims of this criticism.

Unattractive professions

Researchers from the University of Essex (England) asked participants to name the activities they thought were the most boring. The top professional fields are accounting, data analysis, taxation . For leisure, they designated sleeping, watching television, religious activities, mathematics and observing animals . And finally personality traits concerned lack of humor and opinion . Based on this information, scientists conducted their investigation of these allegedly annoying people.

Social isolation of boring people

Individuals perceived as boring are seen by their peers as less productive and lazy. However, this stereotype can have detrimental repercussions on their mental health and lead to their social exclusion . The feeling of loneliness can also make the heart sick. A vicious circle then ensues where the ostracized person exchanges less and less with those around him and mechanically accentuates the effect of ostracism. This conditioning gradually affects every aspect of their lives, leaving them no opportunity to prove their ability.

“People perceived as boring may therefore be at greater risk of harm. Furthermore, despite the negative stereotype that those working in jobs in, for example, accounting, tax and data analytics may face, society needs people to perform these roles. […] People who are perceived as annoying should perhaps benefit from a little sympathy and support » , expresses a scientist of the study published on the website Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

So-called  boring  people:what effects on their health?

The "fear" of boredom

People therefore avoid those who practice a hobby or a profession apprehended as boring to protect themselves from the boredom hypothetically caused to their contact. It is a kind of defense mechanism, but it causes passive harm and harm towards those stigmatized. These stereotypes have long been rooted in society and considerably affect the daily lives of these workers.

A societal character

Researchers also believe that the stereotype of boring people varies across societies. For example, a population for whom religious activities hold a preponderant place will not see a boring side to it. In short, cultural variations would significantly influence this perception . The duration of a stigma would also evolve according to the way of life, because some evolutions are very fast. In addition, hobbies and professions that seem unattractive today can become promising following the change in the collective spirit.

“The perception of computer and information technology jobs, currently classified as moderately boring among our professions, may change over time , with activities such as coding and games perhaps gradually becoming more common," explain the researchers of the study.