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What Your Poop Says About Your Health.

What Your Poop Says About Your Health.

We all poop! And yet, this activity remains a taboo subject...

But did you know that your poo can tell you a lot about your health ?

Once you've gone to the bathroom, take a peek to see the result.

I's not very glamorous.

But you will be surprised...

Your poo has a lot to tell you about your health. So, are we making a little effort?

Here is the guide to understand everything. Watch:

What Your Poop Says About Your Health.

Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.

How well do you know your poo?

What you need to know to start is that the turd that is at the bottom of the bowl is only the result of what you eat.

It's what your body releases after absorbing all the nutrients it needs to function.

It is for this reason that having a bowel movement is essential and that you should not hold back.

Defecating is the only way to get rid of all that waste your body doesn't want.

The texture and color of poop provide us with valuable clues as to how our bodies work. Here's how:

1. Textures

Small droppings: a poo in the shape of small dissociated balls is a sign that you are not drinking enough water. It also indicates that you are not eating enough fruits and vegetables, in other words fiber.

The small droppings sausage: it is also a sign that you are not getting enough fiber and not drinking enough. It's time to eat fruits and vegetables!

The sausage: uniform and homogeneous in appearance, not too hard or too soft, this poo is perfect. Do not change anything in your diet.

Liquid poo: oops… you must be sick. A small microbe must have lodged in your intestines. The liquefaction of poop is a means of defense of the body.

It allows him to expel everything that is bad for him as quickly as possible. Hence this incessant need to go to the bathroom when you have diarrhea.

The risk, for young and old alike, is dehydration . Drink plenty of water and follow this effective advice to fight diarrhea.

Small irregular droppings :do not panic, if this happens to you. This is normal in people who go to make the big errand several times a day.

Soft poo: your poop is not very consistent and has irregular contours? This may be the start of diarrhea.

Now is the time to think ahead and take some preventative remedies.

The irregular sausage: your poo has small cracks? Nothing alarming:you just have to remember to drink more regularly.

Here's a clever trick to know if you've had enough water during the day.

The slimy poo :it’s clear, you eat too much fat. Your body can no longer absorb fat. This may also be a sign of chronic pancreatitis.

In this case, the body can no longer digest fat. If the symptoms persist despite a healthier diet, a doctor should be consulted.

2. Colors

Brown: everything is fine ! Brown is the natural color of your stool, due to substances rejected by the liver.

Green: your intestines are working way too fast! They may be too dilated. Or you ate a lot of green vegetables.

Yellow: not that your needs generally smell like roses, but here… we are not far from chemical attack. It's time to change your diet.

You eat too much fat and your digestion is disturbed. Hence this color and this greasy appearance. Yuck…

Black: the black color of your stool indicates the presence of blood. The iron and bismuth contained in the vitamins can explain this color.

The blood may come from an ulcer or result from a cancerous lesion. If your stools are sticky, you must consult a doctor as soon as possible.

White: it's clogged somewhere! If this color is unfamiliar to you, it is likely that a hose is clogged. But taking medication can also explain it.

Red: inevitably, it recalls the color of blood. You need to see a doctor very quickly. Red stools can be a cancer symptom.

3. The frequency

Most people go 1-2 times a day . But depending on the digestive system of each other, it can be more or less.

Doctors believe that there is no normality in this matter. In any case, as soon as you feel the urge, you have to go to the toilet.

4. How to have "beautiful" saddles?

To have an optimal poo color and shape, you need to eat at least 2 5 g of fiber per day.

You should also drink plenty of water (about 2 liters) and have regular physical activity.

To motivate yourself, remember all the benefits of water on the body.

Why is this so important? Because a well-hydrated body means well-functioning intestines and softer poop.

Result:you poop more easily and more regularly.

If you are constipated, you need to fill up on fibre. Some foods are particularly rich in fiber:make a cure.

5. When should you see a doctor?

In case of abnormal stools, there is no point in worrying right away.

Wait until the next time you go to the bathroom to find out if these little problems persist.

If so, pay attention to what you observe. And consult a doctor quickly.

Did you know?

It takes 1-3 days so that your body digests and evacuates the food you eat!

Mucus, bacteria, dead cells, undigested food… This is what your poop is made of. Hence the smell…

To know if you are healthy, you need to make your big commission effortlessly and painlessly. Your turd doesn't have to be hard to be expelled smoothly!

Are you interested in the subject?

Maybe you should read this bestseller:The Intestine's Discreet Charm by Julia Enders. You will learn some great things!