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What does light actually mean?

What does light actually mean?

Many people overestimate the benefits of light products, because it is not clear what exactly light means.

Only 20 percent of people know that the term light means that there is either less fat, less sugar or fewer calories in the product. The packaging should indicate which 'variant' of 'light' is concerned.

Misunderstandings about light
29 percent think that a light product contains fewer calories, as well as fewer sugars, salt and fats. 30 percent think light means fewer calories. So this is not the case.

Not always healthier
Light is therefore not by definition healthier than the regular variant. For example, light chips contain 30 percent less fat, but they do contain more carbohydrates. The difference in calories is therefore minimal. Of many soft drinks, the diet variant is a better choice for people who want to watch their weight.

Many Dutch people opt for light. 75 percent regularly uses light products. The percentage is even higher among overweight people.

Read the label
If you want to assess whether a light product is indeed healthier, read the label carefully. To know for sure how much healthier a product is, you can compare the label with the label of a non-light variant. The Nutrition Center provides more information about how to read a label.