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This treatment could make paralyzed people walk again

In the United States, an experiment made it possible to make paralyzed mice walk again. The success of these tests therefore paves the way for trials on humans. The treatment in question comes in the form of a gel, the injection of which gives interesting results without any side effects.

A very promising experimental treatment

Paralyzed people don't very often have the opportunity to have hope for a possible improvement in their condition . However, a publication in the journal Science on November 11, 2021 could change the situation. Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago (United States) explain that they have treated paralyzed mice. At first, the scientists cut their spinal cord in order to annihilate their faculties of movement. Then, they injected into this same spinal cord an experimental treatment in the form of a gel . The results came in four weeks later:the mice regained their ability to walk.

Study lead author Samuel Stupp says there is no treatment that can regenerate the spinal cord . It must be said that the central nervous system which includes the brain and the spinal cord is incapable of self-repair after an injury or a degenerative disease. In addition, gene therapies and those based on stem cells have not given full satisfaction until today.

This treatment could make paralyzed people walk again

Many benefits

Northwestern University researchers' gel helps keep its molecules moving . Thus, thanks to this better circulation, the tissue comes into contact with the treatment more effectively, thus making it more efficient. In addition, the gel disappears without a trace after a few weeks and therefore does not generate any side effects .

In their publication, the authors list the benefits of the treatment. First, the tips of neurons (axons) regenerate and scar tissue diminishes. Remember that the latter can represent an obstacle to the regeneration of other tissues . Another example is the regeneration of myelin, the insulating layer of the axons which plays an important role in the transmission of electrical signals. Let's also mention the formation of blood vessels in good working order. They can then deliver the nutrients to the cells at the level of the lesion. The researchers also mention the survival of more motor neurons .

The team of scientists is continuing its efforts today and is confident about the future. If the treatment also works on humans, then it would be a real revolution for paralyzed people .