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Physical inactivity would cause more than 4 million direct victims each year

According to a study recent , physical inactivity is a major risk factor for premature mortality for the entire world population. This work has highlighted the percentage of deaths that can be attributed to physical inactivity around the world.

An alarming conclusion

Sedentariness is a major risk factor for many non-communicable diseases. Let's mention in bulk cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery diseases, strokes (cerebrovascular accidents), hypertension or type 2 diabetes. Let's also mention cancers (bladder, stomach, kidney, breast, colon, and esophagus) or even depression and dementia.

A study published in the British Medical Journal of Sports Medicine on March 29, 2021 estimates that physical inactivity is responsible for 7.2% of deaths from all causes every year. This still represents about 4 million deaths out of an average of 56.9 million each year.

The American and Canadian researchers behind this work obtained information from several databases in different states. In addition, they attempted to generate results closest to reality by considering pathologies whose causal link with sedentary lifestyle is well established. In other words, it is a question of a high level of proof.

Physical inactivity would cause more than 4 million direct victims each year

A call to action

According to the results, developing countries have the most deaths (in absolute number) due to the physical inactivity of part of their population. On the other hand, developed countries suffer more from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle , as they are subject to a much higher percentage of deaths. The authors of the study are categorical:“the public health burden associated with physical inactivity is a global issue that will require international collaboration to mobilize change and achieve these public health goals . »

For the researchers, it would be necessary to drive change in order to achieve public health objectives. This translates into more investment for the reopening of sports facilities in these times of pandemic. It is also about making them accessible to as many people as possible over the long term.

Finally, the fight against physical inactivity should take up considerable space alongside the fight against the containment of coronavirus contamination. More generally, countering a sedentary lifestyle should also be given the same level of priority as the fight against tobacco consumption and education about better nutrition.