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Hallucinogenic mushrooms would be 4 times more effective than antidepressants

A new study looked at psilocybin, a substance found in magic mushrooms. According to the results, these mushrooms would be four times more effective than current antidepressants. While this is a small study, other previous research has come to similar conclusions.

Very encouraging results

In a study published in the journal JAMA Psychatry on November 4, 2020, researchers from Johns-Hopkins University (USA) reported on their latest work on the use of psilocybin, the substance that gives hallucinogenic mushrooms their psychedelic properties. They observed a rapid and significant reduction in symptoms facing forms of severe depression.

Researchers brought together 24 patients with persistent depressive symptoms over the past two years. According to the results, 71% of volunteers observed a more than halving of depression symptoms after four weeks. In addition, the study considered that 54% of patients were in remission after one month.

The magnitude of the effect we observed was about four times greater than what clinical trials have shown for traditional antidepressants on the market “said study co-author Alan Davis in a statement.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms would be 4 times more effective than antidepressants

Confirmation of a mushroom treatment?

This study should be viewed with caution. Indeed, the small size of the sample is combined with a absence of a placebo comparison . However, other studies have also focused on the possibilities of this substance in psychiatry during the last decade. This therefore supports its effectiveness as a treatment for anxiety and depression.

In 2017, British researchers also conducted a study on around twenty patients. According to them, psilocybin could provide a temporary boost in people to get out of their depressive state. In August 2020, Canadian health authorities approved the use of psilocybin in four palliative care patients. This is the first time that people will be able to consume this mind-altering substance legally in the country since it was banned more than 45 years ago.

Finally, you should know that psilocybin is explored in other cases . In 2015, Johns Hopkins University conducted a study indicating that psilocybin could facilitate quitting smoking. The same year, other research conducted this time by the University of British Columbia (Canada) came to a similar conclusion in the case of alcohol consumption.