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Baby Erin survives the coronavirus

Baby Erin survives the coronavirus

She is only six months old, but baby Erin has already spent a lot of time in the hospital:And during her stay she was also infected with the corona virus!

Her parents Emma and Wayne had been trying to have a child for countless years. After ten years of trying, Erin was finally born. After two months, her parents found out that she has a rare heart condition. Baby Erin had to go to the hospital for surgery.

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Lungs and airway problems

But after two days in the cardiac ward, she developed problems with her lungs and airways. She couldn't breathe without a ventilator because her heart had grown so much that it was pressing against her airways. Her parents were prepared for a long hospital stay. If it didn't get better after a few months, another operation would be called for.


But then there's the coronavirus and unfortunately baby Erin gets infected. This makes her stay in the hospital even longer than planned.

Fortunately, little Erin turns out to be a true warrior. Because she defeated the corona virus and was recently allowed to leave the corona department. Of course this happened to loud applause from doctors and nurses.