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An effective malaria treatment against the Covid-19 coronavirus!

A French doctor confirms the effectiveness of an antimalarial treatment on the coronavirus. The person concerned took up the results of a study carried out in China. However, no one yet knows how effective this banal treatment can be.

A clinical trial conducted in China

The daily newspaper Le Point questioned Didier Raoult, director of the Mediterranean Infection Institute in Marseille in an article published on February 25, 2020. The expert indicates that chloroquine , a treatment usually used against malaria has shown signs of efficacy against the coronavirus. It is about a study published a week ago, conducted by Chinese researchers in a dozen hospitals. These are establishments located in Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan, the center of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The clinical trial was conducted on a hundred patients with pneumonia associated with Covid-19. However, the researchers indicate that chloroquine phosphate is more effective than the usual treatment. The antiviral and anti-inflammatory abilities have been praised chloroquine. However, it should be noted that the Chinese study did not quantify the effectiveness of the treatment. Anyway, we are talking about an inexpensive and safe drug here. The leaders of the study estimate that a treatment based on 500 mg of chloroquine per day for ten days would be enough.

An effective malaria treatment against the Covid-19 coronavirus!

The French authorities are studying the possibilities

According to Didier Raoult, this inexpensive treatment is good news. The person concerned has also spoken several times with the French Minister of Health Olivier Véran. The latter turned to the General Directorate of Health, which started to carry out analyzes . It is therefore possible that in the very near future, chloroquine phosphate will be adopted by the health services in France.

Let us also mention the case of the "Bordeaux patient", a 48-year-old Chinese man released on February 13 after 22 days of hospitalization. The man had received remdesivir-based treatment , a new antiviral drug originally designed to fight the Ebola and Marburg viruses. In the case of this patient, the drug acted directly on the virus to prevent its multiplication.

As of February 26, 2020, the latest report to date reports 80,559 confirmed cases for 2,711 deaths and over 27,000 healings. South Korea, Italy and Iran are the three new hotspots where the number of new cases is rising rapidly. In South Korea, there are now 1,146 cases for 11 deaths. In Italy the number of cases reaches the number of 323 for 4 deaths and in Iran there are 95 cases for 14 deaths.


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