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Aspirin increases the risk of eye disease

Aspirin increases the risk of eye disease

Do you take aspirin daily? Then you run a higher risk of the eye condition macular degeneration.

Pain-relieving, fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory. Aspirin almost looks like a miracle cure † But did you also know that there are sometimes negative consequences stick to taking aspirin? From stomach complaints to deafness † Recent research by the Dutch professor of ophthalmology Paulus de Jong, in the journal Opthalmology shows that taking aspirin daily in the elderly can lead to a higher risk of the eye condition macular degeneration

Eye condition
Macular degeneration (also called retinal aging) is an eye condition in which damage occurs in the so-called yellow spot, resulting in a decrease in visual acuity.

Typically, two out of every 100 people will develop macular degeneration. Daily aspirin swallowers are twice as likely to develop the eye condition.

Fortunately, there is also good news about habitual traits. Because did you know that coffee can help against depression? >
