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Using your smartphone as soon as you wake up does not only have negative effects

It is generally not recommended to use your smartphone right after waking up. Nevertheless, there would not only be bad sides to the thing, even if it still seems wiser to avoid taking this annoying habit...

The smartphone as soon as you wake up:a generalized habit

We all know that the smartphone is an integral part of our daily lives. However, this device is sometimes present as soon as you wake up. Indeed, many people use it as an alarm to get up the morning. Among these individuals are those who hardly after having opened their eyes check their SMS, their e-mails or even their social networks.

An article published by Bustle on October 25, 2019 compiled the studies on the matter. Thus, between 46 and 61% of users check their smartphone before getting out of bed or do so within five minutes of setting foot on the floor!

The ugly blue light

You should know that the blue light emitted by smartphones has a bad reputation. In a 2018 study, Spanish biochemists claimed that it was a blindness accelerator. In other words, blue light is now one of the age-related macular degeneration (AMD) factors , a disease of the retina usually affecting people between the ages of 50 and 60.

Using your smartphone as soon as you wake up does not only have negative effects

But blue light is best known for disturbing the access to sleep and therefore mainly poses a problem after dark. Also in 2018, Swiss and British researchers figured out why this happens. In fact, nighttime use disrupts the secretion of melatonin , a hormone essential for sleep. The leaders of the study had then advised to avoid blue light after 9 p.m. and suggested the development of a new generation of screens.

On the other hand, blue light would not only have negative effects. Some research suggests a positive effect on our cognitive abilities and memory. Blue light could also help fight fatigue. However, the best thing is to avoid using your smartphone as soon as you wake up because the body and the brain have not yet had time to emerge . However, using the smartphone too soon after waking up can generate additional stress, especially if it involves work-related information.

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