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A symptom of schizophrenia erased thanks to the inhibition of a gene

American researchers say they have obtained encouraging results concerning one of the symptoms of schizophrenia. These have focused on memory loss, the most present concerning this disease.

Undo memory leak

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), schizophrenia affects more than 23 million people worldwide. It is a severe and chronic mental disorder characterized by distortions of thought, behavior, emotions and sense of self. Those affected hear voices, have hallucinations, delusions and often false beliefs. Let us recall in passing that a study dating from 2015 had confirmed a genetic origin of schizophrenia.

In a report published in the journal Neuron on October 9, 2019, it is about canceling one of the symptoms of the disease:loss of memory . However, this symptom is recurrent even if schizophrenia can be treated with medication and psychosocial support. Researchers at the Zuckerman Institute at Columbia University (USA) are convinced that the inhibition of a specific gene represents the solution to overcoming memory loss.

A gene to inhibit

The fact is that memory impairment in schizophrenia is related to the SETD1A gene mutation. This one is not trivial, because it releases a protein having the ability to influence other genes. Moreover, its mutation takes place several years before the disease appears. Tests were carried out on laboratory mice whose behavior of the gene – producing less protein – was analyzed. In other words, the animals showed symptoms similar to schizophrenia.

The point is that there is no method to manipulate the SETD1A gene. However, the researchers managed to establish a link between this gene and another gene called LSD1 . However, when LSD1 is inhibited, the negative effects of SETD1A are cancelled! After several weeks of administering an LSD1 gene inhibitor to mice, an improvement in their memory was observed. This is due in particular to a better health of the axons , these extensions of neurons carrying the electrical signal from the cell body to the synaptic areas.

A symptom of schizophrenia erased thanks to the inhibition of a gene

This research has provided insight into the behavior of SETD1A gene and its role in the body. There is also talk of new avenues of treatment . While this discovery will not cure the disease, it could still lead to more personalized treatments.

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