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A teenager discovers that her body has two vaginas!

After years of battling terrible pain, a 19-year-old British woman has finally been diagnosed. The latter suffers from a rare malformation synonymous with the presence of two reproductive organs!

She identifies her illness herself

Molly-Rose Taylor's misadventure begins at the age of 9, with her first period pains, as explained by the Mirror UK in an article from October 16, 2019. Three years later, the young Briton is undergoing treatment to reduce bleeding. Indeed, heavy periods were part of the problem. During her first sexual experiences, the teenager really started to worry. Indeed, his intercourse was very painful if not impossible. However, the person concerned had stated that she had noticed the presence of a piece of skin in the middle of two holes.

You should know that Molly-Rose Taylor was misdiagnosed four times! For the doctors, it was only menstrual pain that the teenager had difficulty supporting. After several years of pain, the young woman carried out research and managed to identify her illness on her own.

An extremely rare case

Molly-Rose Taylor then discovered the existence of the didelphic uterus, an extremely rare malformation of the uterus concerning approximately 2% of women . However, this malformation is the result of a defect in fusion of the Müller ducts during the 7th week of fetal development. Many affected women have spent several years unaware of their disease because a simple gynecological examination does not identify the problem. This type of malformation was also described in a study published in 2018 (PDF in English / 8 pages) concerning pregnant women.

A teenager discovers that her body has two vaginas!

After discussing with his attending physician about her discovery, the young woman was referred to a gynecologist. Subsequently, she had an intrusive vaginal scan under general anesthesia. Ten minutes later, the real diagnosis was made. Molly-Rose Taylor actually has a didelphic uterus, meaning she had two uteri, two cervixes and two vaginas. In short, his body had two reproductive organs .

For the person concerned, everything suddenly becomes clear and she understands that her pain came from the appearance of double periods each cycle ! In the summer of 2017, Molly-Rose Taylor underwent successful surgery at the University College of London.

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