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Protect yourself well so as not to deplete your sun capital

We are all impatiently awaiting the return of the sun, and when it is finally there, the temptation to expose ourselves is great. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to exhaust your sun capital by protecting yourself from the harmful effects of UV rays. For this, it is good to apply some very simple tips. Good habits that allow you to spend a serene summer and to take colors without danger! Essential on the terrace, next to deckchairs and garden furniture, the parasol creates quality shade and offers the possibility of enjoying the good weather without getting sunburned. To choose the right parasol, it is necessary to opt for a model large enough for suitable shade.

Bet on a good parasol

A large garden furniture table, for example, calls for a large parasol. Thus, all the guests can benefit from its protection. There are two types of parasols:the offset parasol, with a foot which is not located in the axis of the fabric, and the upright parasol, which quite naturally finds its place at the edge of the swimming pool, near the deck chairs, on the balcony, in the garden or on the terrace.

Shade sails, covered pergola and awnings are also recommended to make the terrace a comfortable and cool space in which to rest without fear of sunstroke or sunburn. The Concept-Usine site offers many models of parasols to help with the layout of the terrace.

Precautions to take to protect yourself from the sun

When it comes to sun protection, there are a few good habits to adopt:

  • Always wear a hat and sunglasses, in direct sunlight.
  • Avoid direct exposure in the middle of the day, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Apply sunscreen with a sufficient factor that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
  • Hydrate with water regularly.

Protect yourself well according to the UV index

Solar radiation includes three types of ultraviolet rays:UVA, UVB and UVC. It is good to know that even when the sky is overcast, UV rays also reach the skin. It is therefore necessary to protect yourself well according to the circumstances. In general, the higher the UV index, the greater the risk of skin and eye damage. Here's how to adapt your protection according to the sun:

  • UV indices 1 and 2:simple sunglasses are enough.
  • UV indices 3 and 4:sunglasses should be worn and SPF 8 cream applied.
  • UV indices 5 and 6:glasses, hat and SPF 15 cream.
  • UV indices 7 and 8:glasses, hat, protective clothing and SPF 25 cream.
  • UV index 9 or more:glasses, hat, protective clothing, parasol and SPF 40 cream.

The SPF index refers to the new logo that now appears on many sunscreens. Dermatologists also recommend using this type of cream to properly protect your skin against sun damage.

Know your skin well to preserve your sun capital

Unfortunately, we are not all equal when it comes to the sun's UV rays.

  • Very fair skin with freckles tan very little. Sunburns are very frequent and pronounced. A sun protection factor of 50+ is recommended.
  • Very fair skin without freckles tans with difficulty and is prone to frequent sunburn. An IP 50+ is also recommended.
  • Light skin with brown, brown or blond hair tans very gradually and should opt for an SPF between 30 and 50.
  • Dark skin with chestnut or brown hair tans well and is less prone to sunburn. A protection factor of 30 is recommended to start with.
  • Dark skin tans easily and sunburn is less common. An index between 15 and 30 is sufficient.
  • Black skin almost never gets sunburn but should still protect themselves with an index between 15 and 30, especially if the person lives in a temperate zone.

Of course, children, who are particularly vulnerable, must be the subject of optimal protection based on a sunscreen with a high factor. It is also recommended to wear photo-protective clothing on the beach or in all places with strong sunlight. The same goes for pregnant women. So many simple tips to apply that allow you to enjoy the summer with complete peace of mind.