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Reishi (Shiny Ganoderma), a fungus that wants you well

Contrary to popular belief, mushrooms with effects do not only have psychotropic effects. There are various mushrooms with therapeutic properties, including one, Reishi, with many virtues on physical and mental well-being. Zoom on this gift of nature!

Reishi, or Ganoderma lucidum , has been dubbed the "Mushroom of Immortality". In Chinese, it is called Ling Zhi. Native to Asia and North America, reishi has been revered in China for thousands of years. It is depicted in many Chinese works of art and is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Reishi can be found in a variety of climates around the world, preferring tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates where broadleaf deciduous trees are abundant.

Despite its adaptability to different climates and topographies, reishi remains difficult to find in nature. Reishi grow only in twos or threes on mature deciduous trees, with oaks and maples being the most common.

Clarifications on mushrooms

A fungus goes through many stages in its life cycle, just like any plant or animal. Each part of a mushroom has unique attributes that promote well-being and serve a different purpose for the body, but it is the fruiting bodies (the visible part:stem and cap) that are most familiar.

Fruiting bodies grow from the substrate they grow on — like trees or fallen logs — to become the part of the mushroom we all know. It is the aerial part that we can see when we walk in the woods, and it is also the one that has been traditionally consumed, in foods or supplements.

Traditional and contemporary health benefits of reishi

The fruiting bodies of this mushroom contain polysaccharides, including one type in particular called beta-glucans. The various polysaccharides have been studied to support immune health and overall well-being, as well as normal, healthy cell growth and renewal.

Modern uses of reishi include supporting the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, an adaptive and healthy response to stress, renewed energy, and a positive effect on general well-being and immune performance.

Studies have shown that reishi supports immune function. That of 2014 of the authors Avtonomova AV and Krasnopolskaya LM synthesizes the data of the antiviral action of G. lucidum . The metabolites of these species of basidiomycetes show a direct antiviral effect on herpes simplex viruses of types I and II, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus, influenza virus , Epstein-Barr virus and others. These metabolites increase antiviral immunity.

Want to know more?

Various articles on the internet present Reishi and its benefits, a specialized blog on medicinal mushrooms is a good reference:

Each claim is supported by the scientific sources at the bottom of the article, the published reports, the names of the researchers, the research methods, the subjects studied, the experiment carried out. The idea is to guarantee detailed scientific documentation, offering the possibility of knowing more about this little-known, yet so useful fungus.

Related:Microdoses of magic mushrooms may improve cognitive abilities

Important precautions

As often with food supplements, avoid consuming Reishi during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, please consult your doctor before using.

This information is only intended to serve as a general reference for a more in-depth exploration of Reishi and cannot replace the advice of a healthcare professional. This content does not provide information on dosage, format recommendations, toxicity levels, and possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, this information should only be used under the direct supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner.