Packed with vitamins, antioxidants and dietary fibre...
...the apple is excellent for your health!
It is not for nothing that it is one of our favorite fruits.
But why are apples so good for the body?
To find out for sure, we went to see an expert nutritionist, Nicola Shubrook.
He's the one who listed the 11 incredible benefits of the apple for your health. Watch:
Question price, the apple is practically unbeatable...
It is one of the cheapest fruits in markets and supermarket stalls.
In addition, you are sure to find them everywhere very easily.
Another advantage:
Whether Golden, Granny, Gala or Green apple...
Know that there are more than 2,000 varieties. Impressive!
Its color varies greatly, ranging from pale yellow, green or bright red.
It can be sweet, tangy, crunchy, juicy, floury, firm...
There is something for every taste. Normal, with over 2,000 varieties!
And precisely, it is perhaps this immense variety which makes all its success.
It also means you can eat delicious French apples practically all year round.
Be careful, however, not to eat apples contaminated with pesticides.
To avoid them, remember to always choose good organic apples.
Note that in France, they are picked from end of August until November .
In addition, several varieties also have an excellent ability to keep over time.
By the way, if you don't know it yet, here's Grandma's little tip for storing your apples.
To discover: Practical and Free:the Calendar of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables.
Just 1 medium-sized apple contains:
- 51 kcal/215 KJ
- 6g protein
- 5 g of lipids
- 6 g of carbohydrates
- 2g fiber
- 100mg Potassium
- 6mg vitamin C
To discover: Guide to Vitamins:What Are Their Benefits and Which Foods Have The Most?
The apple is very rich in pectin .
For those who don't know, pectin is a natural fiber found in certain plants.
Researchers have found that eating whole apples helps lower your cholesterol levels. (Source 1)
Another study in postmenopausal women proved that eating 75g of dried apples significantly lowers cholesterol. (Source 2)
To give you an idea, 75 g of dried apple slices is the equivalent of 2 whole apples.
To discover: How to Lower Your Cholesterol Level? The 7 Natural Anti-Cholesterol Remedies.
Thanks to its high fiber content, the apple has a low glycemic index (IG).
What is the glycemic index?
You may have seen it on food nutrition information labels.
It measures a food's ability to more or less raise your blood sugar levels. (Source 3)
The apple is also very rich in flavonoids , the plant pigments responsible for the coloring of fruits.
A low GI + of flavonoids, this means that the apple improves insulin sensitivity . (Source 4)
This is very important because it means that eating it is an easy way to control your weight.
And above all, it protects you from diabetes.
To discover: The Natural Diabetes Cure Scientists Now Approve.
The apple also has slimming benefits.
Indeed, pectin also helps to regulate the functioning of the intestinal flora .
Which, in turn, helps prevent overweight and other inflammatory diseases.
Several studies in animals have already proven this. (Source 5)
In humans, early studies are also promising, although more research is needed. (Source 6)
To discover: 14 Habits That Make You Obese and Overweight.
The apple is rich in polyphenols, organic compounds known for powerful protective benefits.
Among these compounds, we find in particular quercetin .
So by eating apples regularly, you naturally increase your quercetin levels.
Studies show that those with high quercetin levels reduce the risk of several chronic diseases. (Source 7)
Including cardiovascular disease, and even asthma. (Source 8)
To discover: Health Tip:5 Delicious Foods That Are Good For The Heart.
For good bone health, experts recommend eating fruits and vegetables.
These foods increase bone density , that is, the strength of your bones.
A study in women reveals that the apple, in particular, reduces the amount of calcium lost from the body. (Source 9)
Therefore, it helps to increase bone strength.
Have you ever heard that dietary fiber is good for the stomach and digestion?
That's because it's 100% true!
And good news, the apple contains 2 types of fiber: soluble andinsoluble .
According to nutritionists, both are necessary for good digestion.
Soluble fiber slows down digestion, which increases your feeling of satiety.
They also slow the digestion of glucose, which helps control your blood sugar levels.
Insoluble fibers, on the other hand, help above all to facilitate transit, and therefore help to fight against constipation.
"Insoluble", because they cannot be absorbed by water.
But be careful, to take advantage of these virtues, you have to eat the skin of the apple.
Indeed, this is where the insoluble fiber is found.
To discover: Eat 1 Apple After Meal:Why You Should Stop.
Unfortunately, science has still not found an infallible remedy to prevent the onset of cancer...
But several studies indicate that the apple can reduce the risk of certain types of cancers.
Researchers think it's mostly due to its exceptional antioxidant content. . (Source 10)
In laboratory studies, researchers have proven that these antioxidants limit the growth of cancer cells.
According to one study, eating it regularly reduces the risk of certain cancers, including:
- breast cancer,
- colorectal cancer,
- esophageal cancer and
- cancer of the oral cavity. (Source 11)
Its high fiber content also plays an important role in cancer prevention.
This is proven by a study in women who ate a high-fiber diet throughout their teenage years.
Later in life, the risk of breast cancer is much lower in these women. (Source 12)
Another study showed that a diet high in fiber protects against colorectal cancer and breast cancer. (Source 13)
Thanks to its high fiber content, the apple is known to help keep the line.
And it can even help you lose weight .
Because fiber slows down digestion, it increases your feeling of satiety.
As a result, you'll be less likely to snack between meals.
In fact, studies prove it.
Those who eat fiber-rich foods have a significantly lower body mass index. (Source 14)
At only 95 calories, it's one of the fruits you can snack on without worry.
Including in the morning, on an empty stomach.
By eating 3 apples a day, overweight women lost 1.22 kg in 12 weeks. (Source 15)
And this, without doing any sport!
To discover: Lose Weight:The 20 Best Foods That Make You Lose Weight Fast.
Do not hesitate to eat foods rich in flavonoids, such as red fruits, tea and of course, the apple.
Researchers have found that eating it regularly helps prevent Alzheimer's disease. (Source 16)
In people over 50, this reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 2 to 4 times.
Just by eating foods rich in flavonoids, including the apple!
And that's not all...
Quercetin , one of its flavonoids, protects neurons from aging and also has anti-Alzheimer properties. (Source 17)
To discover: Grandparents Who Babysit Have Less Risk of Developing Alzheimer's.
When you bite into an apple, you have to chew the piece.
As you chew it, you produce more and more saliva.
And it is precisely this saliva that interests us.
Indeed, it eliminates bacteria inside your mouth, those responsible for cavities.
The conclusion?
By eating apples, you also promote good oral hygiene, and you avoid visits to the dentist...
As long as you continue to brush your teeth well, of course!
To discover: Coconut Oil For Teeth:4 Amazing Benefits Nobody Knows.
Still thanks to its high fiber content, the apple is also renowned for its detoxifying and purifying properties.
In fact, fiber also helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, and thus to purify the liver.
To discover: The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.
Now that we know all its benefits, another question arises:
What are the health benefits of apples?
Like many fruits, including peaches, avocados and blueberries, apples contain salicylates .
These natural compounds may cause an allergic reaction in some people.
The most common symptoms are redness and swelling of the skin.
And as mentioned before, the other risk of biting into an apple is pesticides!
Because know that it is proven:French apples contain pesticides.
It is for this reason that it is advisable to choose only apples from organic farming!
To discover: 7 Tips For Eating CHEAP Organic.
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