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9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

What's worse than a button fever just on the edge of the lips or on the nose?

Especially when it's repeated...

You know it like me, when you have a cold sore, you do everything you can to hide it, because it's really not a pretty sight.

So what to do?

Fortunately, there are natural home remedies to get rid of those pimples quickly...

...and this, without using Activir, Zovirax or other similar drugs.

Here are the 9 best and most effective home remedies :

Remedy No. 1:the ice cube

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

Easy to find, ice is your ally to eliminate cold sores.

Nothing could be simpler, just put a ice pack on the culprit 2 to 3 times a day.

However, it takes time. Count 45 minutes for each pose and about 2 days of treatment to achieve your goals.

This trick has the advantage of reducing the pain as well as the size of the pimple.

Remedy no. 2:garlic

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

Garlic is an effective and often used home remedy to treat herpes. It is ideal for getting rid of herpes quickly.

Provided you intervene at the start of the cold sore.

Know that against unsightly cold sores, prevention is better than cure.

So, as soon as you feel the slightest tingling that seems to announce the imminent arrival of a cold sore, immediately rub the affected area with a clove of garlic:a simple reflex to remember.

Remedy no. 3:honey

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

In addition to treating chapped lips, honey has another virtue that has always been recognized, which is to naturally treat cold sores.

Wash your hands. Take some honey on a finger and apply on the pimple. Leave the honey for about 1/4 hour. Perform the operation at least 3 times a day.

Rinse gently with water so as not to hurt yourself. Honey will disinfect the cold sore and make it heal quickly.

Remedy no. 4:lemon

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

Lemon is an excellent antiseptic that effectively treats cold sores.

To do this, squeeze a lemon into a bowl. Take a piece of cotton and dip it in lemon to apply it on the cold sore.

Perform the operation 3 to 4 times a day, leaving it to act for a few minutes. This gives you every chance of removing that cold sore overnight.

Remedy No. 5:cider vinegar

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

Did you know that apple cider vinegar calms the tingling of cold sores?

Just put a little on a cotton ball and apply it gently on the cold sore.

Do you feel like it feels good?

Remedy no. 6:lemon balm water

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

There's nothing better than drying out a cold sore so that it disappears as quickly as possible.

This is where lemon balm water comes in. Put a few drops on a cotton ball and gently dab the cold sore.

If you don't know where to buy it, click here.

Remedy n° 7:tea tree essential oil

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

Another effective natural remedy for cold sores is to use tea tree essential oil.

This excellent antiviral essential oil will kill cold sore virus and bacteria. It is a radical remedy for a cold sore.

Its use is simple and must be done from the first tingling, until it disappears.

Apply 1 drop of pure tea tree oil to a cotton swab then dilute the drop with 2 drops of water.

Dab the button with the cotton swab at least 5 times a day. In the evening before going to bed, put a drop of oil on the compress part of an adhesive bandage, then put the bandage just on the cold sore and sleep with it.

It will therefore be able to take effect all night long.

This remedy will reduce the swelling of your cold sore and the burning sensations.

Remedy no. 8:green clay

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

Green clay is also an effective trick to dry up a cold sore.

Pour a 1/2 tablespoon of powdered clay into a container, then add a little water.

When you have a homogeneous and thick paste, apply it to the affected area.

Leave to dry for about 30 minutes and rinse. This natural grandmother's remedy helps dry out the cold sore. If you are looking to buy green clay, you can find it here.

Remedy n° 9:chamomile

9 Home Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.

The idea is to make a poultice with dried and chopped chamomile flowers. Then mix them with lukewarm water to obtain a smooth paste to make the poultice.

All you have to do is apply your preparation directly on the cold sore as many times as it takes for it to decide to go away.