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Should a first aid course be compulsory for parents?

Should a first aid course be compulsory for parents?

Children should not have an accident at home. Most parents have no idea how to provide first aid. 40 percent of parents think a mandatory first aid course is a good idea. Do you agree?

Accidents in and around the house
An accident just happened, your child falls or has taken a sip from a bottle of cleaning agent. Every year, more than 140,000 children end up in the emergency room as a result of an accident at home. It is important that you as a parent know how to deal with such an accident. Especially with young children, the first minutes are crucial.

Uncertainty about first aid knowledge
Mothers are the most insecure about their first aid knowledge. 65 percent of all parents have never attended a pediatric first aid course. While 40 percent would think it a good idea if the government makes a course compulsory, 61 percent of mothers have never thought about taking a first aid course.

Do you think that all parents should follow a first aid course?

More information about courses can be found on
