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I can't stand getting old:how do I get past this?

I can t stand getting old:how do I get past this?

For a certain number of people, aging is a problem, a taboo subject, even a pejorative word. It is true that our society is centered on youthism, that is to say the cult of values ​​associated with youth such as beauty, performance, etc., and that it can be very difficult with the age of to find its place there and to flourish there. Aging is also synonymous for many with the onset of physical and health problems. This is why, even in a society where we live longer, and in better shape, it is legitimate not to bear to age. Our advice for overcoming this milestone and accepting the passage of time.

Continue to have a social and active life

Some seniors, especially at the time of retirement, experience great frustration and cannot bear to age. It is true that the transition from active life to retirement, especially if it has not been well prepared in advance, sounds for a good number of retirees the end of their social life. More colleagues, more meetings, more contact with the public, etc.

A net change in a life that can result in isolation for the elderly. In addition, no longer having a professional activity can also turn into laziness, a lack of momentum, a refusal to approach others, etc. This brutal break with the world of work can even translate for some into anger at the fact of aging and having to change their previously fulfilling lifestyle habits, which reminded us that we were still legitimate to be integrated into society.

This is why, when you can't bear to age, especially for these reasons, moreover once you retire, it is absolutely necessary to maintain a social life at all costs, by participating in associations, by registering for a sports or cultural club, volunteering, etc.

Maintaining your family network, as well as friends, is also very important to get over the course of being afraid and not supporting aging. Above all, if you are lucky enough to have grandchildren, take advantage of them as often as possible, tell them the story of your family, share good times together and aging will be much less burdensome for you. !

In the same way, making sure to continue to have cultural or intellectual activities allows you to stay young in your head and to age well without fearing the arrival of old age.

Aging can also have positive sides in this area. This can be an opportunity to change your habits, discover new activities, etc. In short, to cut certain ties associated with a youth that is moving away and build a "new" life that is just as rich but more in tune with the transformations of one's body and mind, which are unavoidable with old age.

Building self-confidence

Often, not supporting aging lies in the fact of not accepting the physical changes associated with advancing age, hence the use of cosmetic surgery, not wanting to face the inevitable weaknesses of one's body, but also the reduction of his intellectual capacities in certain cases.

However, accepting the signs of passing time, agreeing to become a different person from the one we were younger, is one of the recipes that help to support aging and to pass this course.

Getting older can be, on the contrary, the best way, thanks to past experiences, to know exactly who you want to be, perhaps a more open, more dynamic, wiser, more patient, or even less embittered person. In a word, a much more fulfilled person than the one we were years before, who retains only the essentials.

Get help from a psychologist or psychiatrist

Not being able to bear getting old is understandable and each individual who feels this feeling has their own very legitimate reasons.

To successfully pass this course, as we have seen, you can follow the advice given above. But, in some cases, succeeding in coming to terms with aging reveals deeper wounds or flaws that it is not always possible to detect or manage on your own.

In this case, do not hesitate to contact health professionals such as a psychologist or a psychiatrist who can help you, through psychotherapy, to accept advancing in age and be significant supports. There is indeed no age to benefit from the support and recognized skills of these health actors with the aim of feeling better and hoping to understand why it is so difficult to accept aging, and above all to help you. to pass the course and get better!