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Mosquitoes:natural relief and prevention

To relieve mosquito bites, natural methods exist. Phytotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy:follow the guide!

The progress of the tiger mosquito in France recalls the importance of protecting the whole family from mosquitoes. The repellents chemicals are recommended by health organizations in countries at risk of disease transmission such as chikungunya or malaria. Outside these areas, natural repellents based on plants or essential oils can provide a gentle alternative!


In addition to pimples and itching, mosquitoes transmit several viral and parasitic infectious diseases in the tropics:

  • Malaria
  • Chikungunya (including in Southern Europe and France)
  • Dengue fever (including in France)
  • Yellow fever
  • Various viral diseases

There are several families of mosquitoes but 3 genera are important in disease transmission:

  • Thegenus Anopheles :these mosquitoes bite mainly at dusk and at night, they transmit malaria. In France, there are only cases of importation (by air).
  • The Culex genre :they bite mainly at night and are responsible for West Nile fever. It is very widespread in France, this viral disease is not present there.
  • The genus Aedes :these mosquitoes bite at the beginning and end of the day. They transmit dengue fever, chikungunya and the zika virus. The establishment of the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in France raises fears of cases of transmission.

These diseases constitute a risk for fragile people and pregnant women . It is therefore important to equip yourself with the most effective products to fight against mosquitoes!

To learn more about the 2017 tiger mosquito presence map, click here.


Repellents are substances that repel insects without killing them:mosquitoes, horseflies, chiggers, ticks.

They are governed by European regulations and classified as biocides. These substances are on a list authorized by the European Chemicals Agency.

Four substances are recognized as active by these regulations and must be used in areas at risk of transmission:

  • DEET or Diethyltoluamide :the oldest molecule, the first evaluated at European level
  • Icaridin or picaridin :reference molecule against female Anopheles
  • IR3535 or ethylbutylacetylaminopropionate :authorized at European level since 2015
  • Citriodiol or PMDRBO :synthetic analogue of a component extracted from lemon eucalyptus


Really effective natural solutions exist to protect against mosquitoes. They may also be sufficient in areas where their bites do not transmit disease. Used wisely, they most often have a better tolerance profile.

The plants themselves show us the example to follow with the essential oils (EO) which constitute their natural insect repellents. Different essential oils can be used to protect against mosquitoes, for example:

  • EO lemon eucalyptus
  • HE Geranium
  • HE of Spike Lavender
  • HE lemongrass

They can be used diluted for topical application or diffusion.

If in doubt, seek the advice of an expert and/or a health professional, especially for children and pregnant women.


It is possible to relieve itching effectively and naturally! There are plant extracts that are soothing and anti-inflammatory :

  • derived from glycyrrhizinic acid (licorice)
  • extracts of Boswellia serrata (boswellia)

You can find these extracts ready-made in gel or roll on.

Some essential oils are also very effective in relieving, disinfecting and soothing mosquito pimples, such as:

  • Spike lavender EO
  • Geranium EO

They can be used pure or diluted in vegetable oil. If you are unfamiliar with essential oils, get advice from an expert health professional.


Heat and perspiration can attract mosquitoes. In fact, babies and children who move a lot are a prime target for these biting insects.

In areas at risk of disease transmission, the molecules recommended by European regulations can be used from 30 months or even 6 months for some.

In areas without risk, to keep mosquitoes away, the use of certain essential oils is possible but with the approval of a professional health expert.

Whatever the areas,the use of mosquito nets is recommended for babies and children. Some are suitable for strollers, cribs and toddler beds!

Boswellia extracts can be used from birth to relieve stings.